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Member Since 17 May 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2020 10:31 PM

#1071674 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by CalmPhill on 10 November 2017 - 07:37 PM

Can we talk about the Pteranodon... Something about this unit needs to be changed. The fact that this unit can get to a critical mass that's almost impossible to beat and pretty much shred anything on the ground including anti air vehicles, infantry (to a decent effect) AND structures, is a bit absurd. Although what really makes this unit horrifying is it's mobility! A group of them can poke at your base where you army isn't guarding, if you DO have a force that can take the Pteranodons down, ie. Gehenna Platforms or mass anti air infantry, by the time you get to their position, the Pteranodons fly away.


Suggested changes to Pteranodon:


-They should do pretty much no damage to infantry, even in great mass. 


-Can't target structures (If a Coronia want's to do base harassment, they should work a bit harder and be forced to bring slow, fragile Quetzals!)


-A bit less Hp


This way, the unit maintains what makes it a fun unit to use. Alternatively, I wouldn't be appose to making it much slower and much more fragile, while keeping it's damage output toward vehicles, infantry and structures as is. 


Also I think the Foehn Signal Inhibitor should be removed. It's a defense building that encourages campy play, plain and simple. Part of Super Weapons' appeal is making it so you can break defensive players lines. I MIGHT understand the idea of foehn not having a super weapon in exchange for being able to build inhibitors, but even then, it would just encourage Foehn to camp.  

#1071565 MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

Posted by CalmPhill on 08 November 2017 - 10:30 PM

So I confirmed that the new Win10 update v1709 is causing the problem of failing to load into a online match with other players. I simply went back to Win10 v1703 and I now can play with people online fine. 


Win10 thankfully makes it easy to go back to previous versions: http://www.thewindow...creators-update