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MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

Best Answer Speeder, 05 April 2024 - 11:38 AM

This is a list of the most common technical issues that users might encounter trying to play Mental Omega, including using it with Steam/EA App.
The Steam/EA App test fix can be downloaded from our Discord's #support_solutions section for now.
Solutions to these problems on:
- Website: https://mentalomega.com/issues
- Discord: https://mentalomega.com/discord
(support_solutions & support channels)
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#1 Speeder



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Posted 16 December 2016 - 09:25 PM

Encountered a problem? Read this first: http://mentalomega.c...php?page=issues
Otherwise, report all of your issues with launching the game or the client here and we'll see what can be done. Once a solution is found it'll be added to the page above.
But before you report them, make sure you did everything as written on http://mentalomega.com/install
Do not report gameplay bugs and balance issues here!


Remember, you need these Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge 1.001 files to run.
- BINKW32.dll
- gamemd.exe (patched to version 1.001, can't have NPatch or Rock Patch, can't be cracked or 1.000)
- ra2.mix
- ra2md.mix
- language.mix
- langmd.mix
Multiplayer version from XWIS won't work anymore as its gamemd.exe is incompatible with Ares.
Do not put 3.3 files to where 3.0 is if you still have 3.0. I recommend uninstalling 3.0.
If you get 'Unable to set video mode' or 'Failed to initialize' errors, set gamemd.exe & Syringe.exe Compatibility Mode to XP SP3.
Also set 'Run as Administrator' for gamemd.exe, Syringe.exe & MentalOmegaClient.exe.
If it doesn't start matches, try rebooting your PC after setting all of these and see if it helps. If rebooting helped, let us know.
If the game does not start anyway, try to launch it, find syringe.log file created in folder with Mental Omega 3.3 and upload it or send to mental.omega.apyr@gmail.com
To make custom maps work, add them to /Maps/Custom subfolder and make sure their extension is *.map


Notice: If you decide to include your debug file contents in the post, at least use spoiler tags. Preferably though, just attach the file.

[spoiler] content [/spoiler]


#2 CONielsen

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Posted 16 December 2016 - 11:04 PM

The client installs and runs fine, but when I start any match, be it campaign or skirmish, as soon as I hit "Launch/Launch Game", the client pops away for a brief moment before coming back. In skirmish I am shunted back to the skirmish lobby, with the campaign screen I am shunted back to the main menu.

I've installed the game per instruction and all files should be in order. Both gamemd.exe, Syringe.exe & MentalOmegaClient.exe are run as administrator.


Please help. This game is awesome and I can't wait to play it! :D


RESOLVED: This user had RockPatch/NPatch installed.

#3 aethiraes

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Posted 16 December 2016 - 11:07 PM

I'm here from the other forum, thank you for the help with dealing with Cncnet and launch issues with Mental Omega 3.3.


I'm having a blast!

#4 Speeder



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Posted 16 December 2016 - 11:09 PM

CONielsen send me a syringe.log file created in game's directory after you try to launch the game.


#5 Justin Ten Eyck

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 02:18 AM

Do you know where I can get a non-cracked version of gamemd.exe?

Because I suspect that I might have a cracked version.

#6 Handepsilon


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 03:07 AM

I have a clean patched, but make sure you're not infected with exe modift
ying virus such as W32/Sality or Virut. Those two virus will break your Red Alert 2 game due to modified exe file. At the very least you can't patch the game if you have earlier version

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#7 CSAT_Viper_0239

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 05:33 AM

Fatal Error encountered after attempt of launching a match. Whether it be Campaign/Skirmish/Multiplayer.


Deploying Files-Date-12/16/2016


: http://www.mediafire...5b3at/debug.log

: http://www.mediafire...ygis/except.txt

: http://www.mediafire...xtcrashdump.dmp

Edited by CSAT_Viper_0239, 17 December 2016 - 05:34 AM.

#8 Norwayball

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 05:46 AM

When i try to load up skirmish, i get an error message saying Yuri's Revenge has encountered a fatal error. Following that, it says that there is an internal error in the files and the cause is undetermined. What can i do to fix this?

Attached Thumbnails

  • Error.PNG

#9 Eric


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 06:13 AM

Hello, my installation of MO3.3 went successful. When I tried to start a game from the client, there was an error, I did everything that the instruction said.


Fatal Error:

gamemd.exe not found


Please help! That error came from Syringe.

#10 Handepsilon


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 06:28 AM

did you copy gamemd.exe in the MO installation as well?

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#11 X1Destroy


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 07:03 AM

When using client resolution 1024x600 in window mode, the campaign selection screen stop functioning. You can't launch the campaign missions, nor go back to main menu. Click cancel and the client stop running.

Edit: Samething happen with 800x600. Skirmish works, but can't launch the campaign at all. Switched back to 1024x720, and it works.

Edited by X1Destroy, 17 December 2016 - 07:15 AM.

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#12 Damfoos


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 07:59 AM

When using client resolution 1024x600 in window mode, the campaign selection screen stop functioning. You can't launch the campaign missions, nor go back to main menu. Click cancel and the client stop running.

You can launch the missions, but you have to move your cursor over the launch button until you find the spot where the cursor turns the button orange. This is at upper right corner of the button, at the border. From my experience with TI and DTA (which use the same client) and from Rampastring's direct answer: the client requires a higher resolution to work properly. Usually the text in the launcher turns blurry because of small resolution, the letters adjust their size and thus are being downscaled. Perhaps something like that is happening with physical borders of the button too. Keep trying, it semi-works.

#13 Jargalhurts


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 08:11 AM

The game turns into a permanent black screen if you alt-tab out of it and there is no way to get the game going. The issue is fine with the IE-DDRAW renderer but that renderer makes the game lag extremely bad, so it's a lose-lose situation.

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#14 Eric


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 08:36 AM

did you copy gamemd.exe in the MO installation as well?


You're right! I thou forgot the step 2.

#15 Solais


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 09:36 AM

The game turns into a permanent black screen if you alt-tab out of it and there is no way to get the game going. The issue is fine with the IE-DDRAW renderer but that renderer makes the game lag extremely bad, so it's a lose-lose situation.


There's also the occasional bug that if you press the menu in any other renderer, it freezes up the game. IE-DDRAW is the only solution it seems. It doesn't lag the game for me though, might be that I have a strong enough PC for it.

#16 Thesilver

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 10:15 AM

When i try to start a mission or skirmish it said that it could not load gamemd.exe, up above it was said to run this as administrator but where can i find this file? I didnt find it with the 3.3 download and i cant find it under the ra2 or yuri's revenge files either.

#17 Ali Mohsen

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 10:22 AM


The client installs and runs fine, but when I start any match, be it campaign or skirmish, as soon as I hit "Launch/Launch Game", the client pops away for a brief moment before coming back. In skirmish I am shunted back to the skirmish lobby, with the campaign screen I am shunted back to the main menu.
I've installed the game per instruction and all files should be in order. Both gamemd.exe, Syringe.exe & MentalOmegaClient.exe are run as administrator.
Please help. This game is awesome and I can't wait to play it! :D
RESOLVED: This user had RockPatch/NPatch installed.


i got the same issue, uninstall 3.0 and yuri and re install them again, did the compatibility thing of xp sp3 and administration. what should i do?


Edited by Ali Mohsen, 17 December 2016 - 10:30 AM.

#18 X1Destroy


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 10:28 AM


When using client resolution 1024x600 in window mode, the campaign selection screen stop functioning. You can't launch the campaign missions, nor go back to main menu. Click cancel and the client stop running.

You can launch the missions, but you have to move your cursor over the launch button until you find the spot where the cursor turns the button orange. This is at upper right corner of the button, at the border. From my experience with TI and DTA (which use the same client) and from Rampastring's direct answer: the client requires a higher resolution to work properly. Usually the text in the launcher turns blurry because of small resolution, the letters adjust their size and thus are being downscaled. Perhaps something like that is happening with physical borders of the button too. Keep trying, it semi-works.


Fair enough. I never bothered to switch resolution with TI cause it fit well with my laptop screen by default so I didn't know. I will stick with bigger screen then.

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#19 naspara

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 11:10 AM

I have an issue with d3d11.dll. It says it couldnt be loaded and something about HRESULT

This is the screenshot. gamemd,syringe and Client is set to run on Administrator


Edited by naspara, 17 December 2016 - 11:12 AM.

#20 Graion Dilach

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 11:15 AM

Sometimes the Skirmish setup screen has loading seizure - the GUI restarts drawing after each added object from what I'd guess (the map list turns into a giant green ellipse with an X in it at start). I haven't tested with DTA and/or TI respective versions, but the plain YR client doesn't have this bug. This is on my Win10.

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