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Markus Ramikin

Member Since 17 Mar 2010
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In Topic: Dawn Of Skirmish SS v3.20 AI Mod is now LIVE!

18 February 2023 - 10:39 AM

Another fun fact: the AI is capable of teleporting freshly built Sluggas without a Big Mek attached or even fielded:


rec file

In Topic: Dawn Of Skirmish SS v3.20 AI Mod is now LIVE!

10 February 2023 - 12:37 PM

As someone who recommends DoWAI to people a lot, I've met multiple people who followed a link to moddb, saw "Black Templars mod", and freaked out that that's not what they want. So I came here looking for a more "neutral" download link to put in my Dawn of War quality of life guide, and... first download is blocked by browser because it's not HTTPS, while the second one is:


This file is no longer available due to a DMCA copyright claim filed by the party listed below.

This file has been taken down on 2016-09-15 by:

File Name: Dawn_Of_Skirmish_v3.20_SS_AI_Mod_Install.exe (896.32 KB)

Company: BSA Business Software

Internet rot is real.

In Topic: Dawn Of Skirmish v1.4 AI Mod now LIVE!

18 January 2023 - 06:39 PM

Ha, this still works! Though I need to rename the WA mod folder, module, and in-module reference to have this and the WA version together in the same game folder.


While this is a massive improvement over vanilla AI, it's a shame you guys abandoned the DoW1 version when WA came out. WA has different (and frankly, inferior) balance and army compositions compared to DoW1, so it would be nice if DoS AI worked just as well in the original game. (As it is, AI seems to get "stuck" a lot, refusing to produce units until either 1. its base is in direct danger or 2. its previous produced batch of units have all died. It also seems to often refuse to fill out the vehicle cap despite 1000s of resources.)


After all, where else are you going to get a 20/20 army consisting of 4 Land Raiders and 5 Terminator Squads without modding the game!