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Member Since 16 May 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2011 02:34 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Coding S.E.E. - DC

24 September 2011 - 04:53 PM

It would be good for Fangorn or Lorien as well, depending on how much time NJM has on his hands

In Topic: Coding S.E.E. - DC

10 September 2011 - 05:11 AM

Greetings everyone :) So glad that SEE is rebuilding. U guys have my support!!!!
Thx ;)

In Topic: July 12th Update: Gondor Spellbook

01 August 2011 - 01:38 PM

Well...I'm back after a looong time. And I congratulate you on keeping up with this mod. Love the new AotD and the new beacon system. Can't wait for the release!:)

In Topic: MattTheLegoman's Maps

27 April 2011 - 08:04 PM

Hmmm yes, this definitely qualifies for top notch SEE maps:) The lighting adds a whole lot to the whole scheme of the map.

In Topic: SEE Campaign proposal

23 April 2011 - 02:59 PM

Well said, TBG:) Chris is probably extremely busy in reality and there's very limited time on his hands.