PSU's have a label on the side that tells you (amongst other things) what wattage it is, that's the best place to look
There'll be a table on the label that lists output voltages, the wattage will probably be somewhere above that.
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Member Since 30 Nov 2004Offline Last Active Apr 20 2012 10:02 PM
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- Member Title Boomers Disposable Minion
- Age 37 years old
- Birthday March 19, 1987
East Yorkshire - England
Only War 2
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The Lurker-Turned-Poster-Turned-Lurker
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In Topic: Computer appears dead.
27 June 2009 - 05:21 PM
In Topic: Combining four video's
21 June 2009 - 02:50 AM
Holy crap... Didn't realise how quick I was
Why doesn't that surprise me... As if M$ doesn't have enough fucking money
Why doesn't that surprise me... As if M$ doesn't have enough fucking money
In Topic: Combining four video's
21 June 2009 - 12:23 AM
Now that's interesting... I wasn't aware that there was a "pro" version of WMM. I'll certainly do some investigating! Cheers
In Topic: Combining four video's
20 June 2009 - 12:29 PM
How do you do it in WMM?
Please, DO tell me.
I have spent obscene amounts of time trying to find out how...
Please, DO tell me.
I have spent obscene amounts of time trying to find out how...
In Topic: The Cure - Just Like Heaven
20 June 2009 - 12:29 PM
Heh Glad it's not just me who was amused by the idea...
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