;;; MORGUL BLADE ;;; Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_MorgulBladeStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityNazgulMorgulBladeAttack UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = No TriggerFX = FX_GothmogSwordFlash ;InitiateSound = GandalfVoiceAttackWizardBlast ;this plays when he targets, not when he fires End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_MorgulBladeWeaponFireUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityNazgulMorgulBladeAttack WhichSpecialWeapon = 2 SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 50 PreparationTime = 1 PersistentPrepTime = 1500 PackTime = 1100 AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = 19.0 MustFinishAbility = Yes SpecialWeapon = NazgulMorgulBladeAttack End End
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon NazgulMorgulBladeAttack ; Poison targeted enemy until death LeechRangeWeapon = Yes AttackRange = 20.0 MeleeWeapon = Yes DelayBetweenShots = WITCHKING_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS ; time between shots, msec PreAttackDelay = WITCHKING_SWORD_PREATTACKDELAY ; 300 is mace swing delay time before contact with target. PreAttackType = PER_SHOT ; Do the delay each time we attack FireFX = FX_GondorSwordHit FiringDuration = WITCHKING_FIRINGDURATION ; Duration of the mace swing DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage Damage = 200 ;WITCHKING_DAMAGE Radius = 0.0 DelayTime = 0 DamageType = SLASH ;DamageFXType = NONE DeathType = NORMAL DamageScalar = 10% NONE +RohanEowyn End DamageFieldNugget ; A Nugget that lays down an area of damage that persists independantly WeaponTemplateName = PersistingMorgulBladeWeapon Duration = 30000 End End ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon PersistingMorgulBladeWeapon DelayBetweenShots = 25 ; time between shots, msec DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage Damage = 10.0 Radius = 5.0 DelayTime = 0 DamageType = FLAME DamageFXType = FLAME DeathType = BURNED End End
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SpecialPower SpecialAbilityNazgulMorgulBladeAttack Enum = SPECIAL_WIZARD_BLAST ReloadTime = 60000 PublicTimer = No ;InitiateSound = GandalfVoiceAttackWizardBlast ;this plays when he fires, not when he targets End
I think it has something to do with the "DamageFieldNugget" cuz I tried getting a Poison Arrows ability, which also has a "DamageFieldNugget", to work for one of my units and the game also crashed the instant the attack was triggered. But I cant seem to find any error in my code. I'd appreciate any help with this.