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Member Since 03 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2012 09:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Gandalf's coding questions

26 February 2011 - 02:32 AM

I thought I'd make one full topic about my coding questions since i know i'm gonna have many questions in the future and I dont wanna have to keep starting new topics every time.
So my latest question: I've been messing around with unit combo hordes recently and i have no trouble comboing up different hordes. However, theres a a little issue i have. My typical horde has swordsmen stationed in front of archers.
The archers will fire at the enemy, but the swordsmen only attack if the enemy goes right up to them.
So basically, they have to wait for the enemy to go directly up to them.
But i want my swordsmen to be able to break formation and move forward a bit to attack the enemy instead of just standing there. Is this possible? I know it has something to do with the hordes weapon, if i make it "NormalMeleeHordeRangefinder" the swordsmen behave how i want them to but then the archers cannot fire.
If i change it to "NormalRangedHordeRangefinder" the archers can shoot but then the swordsmen just stand still as before.
Is there a workaround way for this? Sorry if im not clear

Fellbeast Death anims

18 February 2011 - 09:03 PM

I've been messing around trying to restore the fellbeast death anim where it crashes to the ground. I simply used the anims that EA never implemented, and replaced those anims with the original death anims. However, theres one little problem. The animation looks beautifully ingame, but ito doesnt always play the animation. Sometimes it simply falls to the ground still flapping its wings and then the body dissappears after awhile. I'm wondering if I need to tweak my anim codes or something maybe?

AnimationState = DYING
			StateName = DYING
 			Animation = DyingA
				AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_DIEA
  				AnimationMode = ONCE ;LOOP
  				AnimationBlendTime = 10
                		AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.3 0.3
I read a post in the forums where someone mentioned something about "tuning" the GiantBirdSlowDeathBehavior to get the anim to work properly. I dont know if this could be where the problem lies:

Behavior = GiantBirdSlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_GiantBirdSlowDeath
  		DeathTypes = ALL ;-KNOCKBACK
  		SinkDelay = 1000 ;8000
  		SinkRate = 1.6     ; in Dist/Sec
  		DestructionDelay = 15000;
  		Sound = INITIAL FellBeastDie
  		Weapon = HIT_GROUND NazgulCrashingWarhead
  		;FX = HIT_GROUND FX_NazgulLightPoint
  		FX = HIT_GROUND FX_TrebuchetImpactHit
  		Sound = HIT_GROUND FellBeastDieImpact
  		CrashAvoidKindOfs = STRUCTURE
  		CrashAvoidRadius  = 800
  		CrashAvoidStrength = 0.2
  		NeedToMaintainFlailingHeight = No
  		EjectRiderIfApplicable = No ;Yes
    	RiderSubObjects = NAZGUL_SKN WITCHKING2

I've tried messing around with the anim code, adjusting AnimBlendTime, changing the AnimMode, ect. but to no avail. I'd appreciate any help, thanks!

Siege Tower Trolls

14 February 2011 - 07:29 PM

I'm trying to make some changes to the mordor Siege Towers. First, I wanna make the trolls, who push the tower, attackable. Just like in the movie where Gandalf tells the men to aim for the trolls. I'm trying to make it more realistic. So I went the the seige tower.ini and found where the siege tower crew is referenced and changed this line:
and I changed it to SELECTABLE and ATTACKABLE

However, when I do that, i get a game error, saying "Selectable" and "attackable" arent valid descriptions for the "ObjectstatusOfCrew". So i'm clueless as to what to do from here.

Second, I'm wondering if its possible to make the tower "dependable" on the troll to be able to move? For example, if the trolls are killed, the tower cannot move anymore. I'd appreciate any help, thanks in advance!

Campaign Changes

07 February 2011 - 03:43 PM

Well i want to make some changes to the campaign but i'm not if its possible. First, I want to make it so that if you lose a battle/mission, you no longer have that army anymore, making it more realistic. Plus i think it would make the campaign more interesting. Or if its not possible to make you no longer have the army after losing, can you at least make it so that you receive some sort of penalty for losing a battle?
I was also thinking of making it possible for the enemy to be able to take back enemy regions that you previously captured, but i doubt thats possible. Well these were just some ideas i had, I would appreciate any help from you guys.

Invisible model

03 February 2011 - 02:04 PM

Well i've stumbled across another problem. I made my model and tried it out ingame and its invisible, I can see the shadow of the unit but nothing else. I followed very closely the tutorials on how to model and properly bind the unit and in w3d viewer everything works fine. The animations are all good. And i'm pretty sure i added it to the asset.dat correctly. I dont know what i'm doing wrong, hopefully you guys can help me, I'd really appreciate it.
This is for BFME1 btw.