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1st Recon

Member Since 17 May 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2011 09:45 PM

Topics I've Started

Problem With Adding New Voxels To Yuris Revenge

20 October 2011 - 05:31 AM

Hi All,
as you all can guess im new to the modding community....sadly...
anyways what i wanted to ask

is could someone give me a hand on how to add new units to yuris revenge please ?
i've played some mods in the past for YR and thought they was pretty cool.
but i was just thinking i would like to have old units revamp'ed and maybe have some new units added to the normal game of yuris revenge ?....(if thats possiable)
i been looking around on YR Argentina's website at the Voxels on the site some are really cool.
now heres the problem im having...

say i wanted to add ohhh maybe the
Phalanx Tank, (as a somewhat stronger AA battery, as well as being mobile)
Templer MBT ( as the allied's verison of the soviets Apocalpse tank)
Ambulance ( as the rapid response healer, to heal a unit and get out, basically a infantry healing verson of the IFV+engineer

(this is just the starting units i'd like to be put in to my game)...
least till i've learnt? how to implement them in to the game with working parts and everything...

thanks a million in advance for any help you'll can give this noobie XD
oh p.s...
i've learnt how to edit existing units looks...all i needed to do was add the files to RA2's folder but thats easy... (thankfully) even tho that still look 3 hours lmao

oh and if it helps at all / if its usefull information that would help ? my copy of YR is the first decades copy

...and one more thing... (sorry for being a pain)
is there any way to add more colors to the skirmish modes sides options
without having to edit exisiting colors (im after keeping the old colors as they are, and adding mm maybe 4 extra colors)
like pink - i've changed to silver but it only shows it once in game.
i've tryed just adding new colors to YR.... but failed :<
spent like 2 days worth watching youtube videos, and looking on nearly every C&C website trying to work out what i was doing wrong...

M.O Internet Skirmish Games

18 May 2011 - 12:54 AM

Hey all. as the title says
i need help getting a internet match up and running

the link posted for XWISC on M.O's site is down.

Regarding Soviet And Epsilon Gates

17 May 2011 - 09:27 PM

Hi Guys and girls.
not sure if i posted in the right part of the forums or if this questions already been posted.

to be honest not sure if its been added since i last played mental omega
but the gates for the soviets and the epsilons are missing.