Default zero hour music? Use !Contra009BetaMStandard.ctr instead of !Contra009BetaMNew.ctr, and so on...
(after renaming extension from .ctr to .big)
Navigate to game data directory in documents:
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Posted by Teteros on 10 December 2015 - 06:14 PM
AntiAliasing = 1 BuildingOcclusion = yes CampaignDifficulty = 0 DrawScrollAnchor = DynamicLOD = yes ExtraAnimations = yes FirewallBehavior = 0 GameSpyIPAddress = Gamma = 50 HeatEffects = yes IPAddress = IdealStaticGameLOD = Low LanguageFilter = false MaxParticleCount = 5000 MoveScrollAnchor = MusicVolume = 0 Resolution = 1920 1080 Retaliation = yes SFX3DVolume = 70 SFXVolume = 63 ScrollFactor = 30 SendDelay = no ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes ShowTrees = yes StaticGameLOD = Custom TextureReduction = 0 UseAlternateMouse = no UseCloudMap = yes UseDoubleClickAttackMove = yes UseLightMap = yes UseShadowDecals = yes UseShadowVolumes = yes VoiceVolume = 70
Posted by Teteros on 23 February 2015 - 05:06 AM
Here you can attach multiplayer and perhaps any skirmish/strategy replays you think are interesting to watch.
The release of 008 final redefines the gameplay of many generals. The rather under-used Fuel Truck is now an important part of Flame's arsenal while the avenger delay (until rank 3) in Air Force forces a more creative use of his avation. Older guides written for 007 still remain partially relevant, however replays of course do not.
I think it's about time for a replay/strategy topic.
After all, replays are one of the best way to learn right?
I'll start off with my exhaustive pack of 50 replays which I've gathered since the start of this year.
Found within are a vast variety of games involving 2 up to 8 players (Yes, none of them are played with AI).
Here is a little preview, to show you what to expect:
Thanks to Persun AKA Sandro/Su for his walkthroughs (and good plays).
Courtesy of Striker.
Some of my favourites include:
"20150101_[Demo]v[Lazr]TheMicroMacroDilemma.rep" "20150101_[SupW,Infa,AirF,Flam]v[SupW,Nuke,Chem,Infa]ItActuallyWorks.rep" "20150118_[Flam,Cybr]v[Lazr,SupW]SupplySniping2Good.rep" "20150123_[AirF,SupW]v[AirF,SupW]ThisIsNotTopGun.rep" "20150129_[Cybr,AirF]v[Slth,Infa]HisSeraphIsTurnedOn.rep" "20150130_[Infa]v[Aslt]Love(Of)FlyingTransports.rep" "20150212_[Chem,Demo]v[Infa,Demo]PoweredByMicro.rep" "20150219_[Lazr]v[SupW]ThatInfamousShield.rep" "20150219_[Nuke]v[Nuke]WhenInDoubt...BaseSwap.rep" "20150221_[Infa,AirF]v[Demo,Flam]FearOf(the)Elite.rep"
The Full list
20150101_[Demo.Tank]v[SupW,Demo]CornerIslandStrats.rep 20150101_[Demo]v[Lazr]TheMicroMacroDilemma.rep 20150101_[Infa,AirF,Lazr]v[AirF,Infa,Cybr]OilsAreKey.rep 20150101_[Infa,Flam,Aslt]v[AirF,Lazr,Aslt]CommanchePokes.rep 20150101_[Infa]v[Slth]Command&Bunker.rep 20150101_[Lazr,Cybr,Tank]v[Lazr,Lazr,Demo]ThatOneGLA.rep 20150101_[Lazr,Nuke,Slth]v[SupW,Nuke,Demo]RadiationCentral.rep 20150101_[SupW,Infa,AirF,Flam]v[SupW,Nuke,Chem,Infa]ItActuallyWorks.rep 20150102_[AirF]v[Tank]The(Auto)RifleWay.rep 20150102_[Chem]v[Demo]MineChoices.rep 20150102_[Chem]v[Slth]v[Lazr]LaserShowcase.rep 20150103_[Demo,Aslt]v[Tank,Tank]TankShowCase.rep 20150103_[Nuke]v[Nuke]BattlefieldOfN(P)uke.rep 20150103_[SupW]v[Lazr]v[Lazr]v[Aslt]v[Slth]PatienceIsWinning.rep 20150104_[Slth]v[Nuke]PlasmaJammin'.rep 20150107_[Infa,SupW,Infa]v[Tank,AirF,Chem]PlacementIsKey.rep 20150108_[Infa]v[Demo]Demo'sKryptonite.rep 20150108_[Nuke]v[Cybr]WhenPlasmaIsn'tEnough.rep 20150110_[Flam]v[SupW]v[Lazr]SWShowcase.rep 20150110_[Slth]v[AirW]StealthShowcase.rep 20150111_[Lazr,Flam]v[Lazr,AirF]FlameShowcase.rep 20150116_[Tank]v[Tank]FromZeroToHero.rep 20150118_[Chem,Chem]v[Lazr,Cybr]ChemicalShowcase.rep 20150118_[Flam,Cybr]v[Lazr,SupW]SupplySniping2Good.rep 20150121_[Tank,Nuke]v[Cybr,Flam]TheLotusAppreciationHour.rep 20150123_[AirF,SupW]v[AirF,SupW]ThisIsNotTopGun.rep 20150127_[Cybr,Cybr]v[Aslt,Aslt]WhenMapMatters.rep 20150127_[Tank,Infa]v[Infa,Slth]TheChosenOne.rep 20150128_DrawIs(Not)Possible.rep 20150128_[SupW]v[Infa]PoweredByPropaganda.rep 20150129_[Aslt,Nuke]v[AirW,Cybr]HadronColliderBlows.rep 20150129_[Cybr,AirF]v[Slth,Infa]HisSeraphIsTurnedOn.rep 20150130_[Cybr]v[Nuke]RobotShowcase.rep 20150130_[Infa]v[Aslt]Love(Of)FlyingTransports.rep 20150209_[Aslt,Aslt]v[Flam,Flam]Flame(Ass)aultWar.rep 20150209_[Lazr,Tank]v[Chem,Tank]PoweredByFlanking.rep 20150212_[Chem,Demo]v[Infa,Demo]PoweredByMicro.rep 20150215_[Lazr,Slth]v[Aslt,AirF]FlipFlop.rep 20150217_[Flam]v[AirF]Patience.rep 20150217_[Nuke]v[Flam]NuclearShowcase.rep 20150218_[AirF]v[Tank]AirforceShowcase.rep 20150218_[Demo]v[Aslt]Sting(er)An(a)pan(a).rep 20150218_[Tank,Infa]v[Demo,Aslt]DiggyDiggyDown.rep 20150219_[Demo]v[Flam]OverExpand--GetPunished.rep 20150219_[Lazr]v[SupW]ThatInfamousShield.rep 20150219_[Nuke]v[Nuke]WhenInDoubt...BaseSwap.rep 20150221_[AirF,Nuke]v[Infa,SupW](En)Counter.rep 20150221_[Flam,Aslt]v[Lazr,Lazr]UnitedAsOne.rep 20150221_[Infa,AirF]v[Demo,Flam]FearOf(the)Elite.rep 20150222_[Slth,SupW]v[Flam,AirF]TheExperiment.rep
You may often find the longer/detailed games gave a bigger filesize.
Also, you may have noticed a naming pattern with some of the replays. Improvements are welcome.
Generals are named short after their worldbuilder counterparts. They suggests the developers may prefer "Chemical" to "Toxic" general.
For example:
This is simplified with my unreleased WIP powershell script.
I started with something like this at first:
This will append the modified date to the beginning the file.
@echo off setlocal set file_name=%1 set name=%~n1 set ext=%~x1 dir %file_name% | findstr /C:%file_name% > y.tmp REM dir /T:C %file_name% | findstr /C:%file_name% > y.tmp REM Use the /T:C switch for creation date instead. for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (y.tmp) do ( set line=%%i ) del y.tmp set month=%line:~0,2% set day=%line:~3,2% set year=%line:~6,4% ren %file_name% %year%%month%%day%_%name%%ext% endlocal
To iterate through the .rep files in the current directory, call the above with:
@echo off forfiles /S /M *.rep /c "cmd /c appenddate.cmd @file"
However that goes waaaaay beyond the purpose of this topic.
(PM me if you happen to have 50+ replays and in desperate need of sorting that mess)
The "Showcase" series such as:
focuses heavily on one general in each replay and either shows off their tech-tree, how to use their units effectively in various situations and/or attempt to maximize the efficiency of that general. For example in the above game, AirF's planes were micromanaged well which allowed them to be very cost-efficient by constantly damaging tank's supply lines. Angled structure placement made it challenging for tank to avoid security systems.
Of course most (if not all) of these were played on standard maps, $10000 and tournament mode on.
Players picked their generals at random as if it's some sort of an unspoken rule.
Lastly, Here is a virus scan.Just in case.
I hope to meet you on the battlefield General