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Member Since 02 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2016 09:39 PM

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In Topic: Modified LWM fill rendering issues (WOTR)

26 May 2016 - 07:49 PM

After trying every tutorial under the sun and moving onto something else it started working :party: .... but it only renders so many of the region fills at once, rendering different region as you move the camera, causing lag spikes (as opposed to just rendering all of them at once) as it renders/ 'derenders' them. 



Now does anyone have any clue as to how to get the game to just render all of them at once through 3ds max??




Update: New Ered Luin region now working - <see image Z1 below>

Attached File  Z1.jpg   236.36KB   43 downloads




Everything is rendered all at once with no undrawing of regions when there is no transparency. The problem is transparency is needed.


tried alpha blend (w3d material type) without z buffer and it started working for no apparent reason, but yields similar rendering issues (now with the regions flashing)


I have also tried working off the original lmr_fill.w3d file again but keep getting the same result :whatoa:


I have given vertex painting a try, but it results in the same result (again with the regions flashing) using add blend mode as in robnkarla tutorial on the3rdage.net


Reducing the dimensions (128x128 to 64x64 pixels) and introducing compression (file going from 16kb to 2kb) - no difference.



Any help would be appreciated.    :wacko:

In Topic: The Create-a-Character System

18 April 2016 - 09:05 PM

<Drools> :thumbsupdrool: .  I would've loved to see a tutorial.

In Topic: Changing font colour

18 April 2016 - 09:00 PM

Cheers Gwanw for trying to explain it to me; xml is truly a mystery to me :xx:  .

In Topic: Changing font colour

17 April 2016 - 08:11 PM

1&2 - look for the character where (is it like ASCII - where a value represents a character - eg 'A')? In the same .apt or .const file?


Woah, in contrast to c and assembly xml is like double dutch  :whatoa:.

In Topic: Changing font colour

16 April 2016 - 05:57 PM

Thanks Gwanw for the speedy response. Sorry for being nooby but it if its not too much of a hassle:

1) How do I access the 'StrategicCommandButton'? (last line in the code I supplied)

2) what does character="12" mean?

3) what does constant id="157" mean?

4) I understand what strings are, but what are they even doing in the example you gave?


What I am trying to do in my mod is to add a new functioning button for fortress upgrades in the WOTR map, preferably with a toggle (between the standard hero command set and the fortress upgrade command set) and the added button being radial (i.e. not on the palantir) .


Unfortunately, this seems to require such apt hardcoding.



 File: StrategicHUD.apt (xml)

<<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <import name="ButtonTimerOverlay" movie="libInGameUI" character="5"/>
            <import name="LoadMovieFrame" movie="libInGameUI" character="15"/>
            <export name="StrategicCommandButton" character="12"/>