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Member Since 02 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2016 09:39 PM

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Modified LWM fill rendering issues (WOTR)

24 May 2016 - 03:18 PM

RE: LWM fill rendering issues (WOTR) [getting alpha channel modified lwr_fill to render all at once with no lag spikes (caused by unnecessary rendering)]


Hi everyone, hope everyone's summer is off to good start
I have been trying to get transparency for the wotr map model file: lmr_fill.w3d to work.
I have tried working off the following tutorial by Nertea:

But the shading only (i.e. the model is invisible) works in Add blend mode for w3d material type if I use Write ZBuffer (I'm using stage 0 texture: excloudrs24.tga) despite not only following the tutorial step by step but also individually using the setting found for this file in w3d viewer; it should work without as shown in the tutorial.
I'm guessing vertex painting (or at least transparency) won't work with the Write ZBuffer enabled.

So this is why I have decided to give alpha channels a try.
I used the standard material (as opposed to w3d or direct x9 shader) and put in the bitmap maps listed under 'maps' in the material editor <see image 'B2 below>

Attached File  B2.jpg   237.74KB   26 downloads
one by one testing each in game - starting with the Opacity map (with no other maps)
<again see image 'B2' below>

Attached File  B2.jpg   237.74KB   26 downloads

I can achieve transparency as seen in
<see image 'B1' below of a screenshot of 3ds max 8>

Attached File  B1.jpg   94.08KB   31 downloads
and <see image 'C' below of a screenshot of w3d viewer>

Attached File  C.jpg   54.86KB   27 downloads
in 3ds max 8 and in w3d viewer - but cannot achieve it in game. The result in game is in <see image 'A' below>
Attached File  A.jpg   331.54KB   29 downloads

Anyone know how to get alpha channels to work with the living world map? - if possible I'd like to avoid vertex painting.

Rotwk WOTR - Adding WOTR Fortress Upgrades Command Set Buttons

12 April 2016 - 06:51 PM

Hi everyone,
Back again - I have been trying to add fortress upgrades to wotr, but have had no luck (seriously, please don't tell me the wotr (both palintir and radial (structure)) command sets are hardcoded).
see: image 1
To start off I have tried adding a castle walls upgrade (and later the whole set of upgrades). To do this I have been trying to add an upgrade capable of increasing the defensive capabilities of a fort in auto-resolve represented by a wotr/lwm model/submodel (and if possible add it to the real time map, or better, base files)
Attempt 1: Palintir command set buttons
see the code below:
file: data\ini\livingworldbuildings.ini
                  /// Code ///

LivingWorldBuilding LWB_ArnorFortress
BuildingNugget UpgradeTroops NuggetTag_UpgradeTroops
   Icon = ArnorArmyIcon
   NumUpgradesPerTurn = 1
   UpgradeableUnits = ArnorFortress


The first problem I have is that the palintir button command sets cannot be overwritten within the ini.big file (as far as I can tell).
see: image 2
i.e. replace the functioning button:


with the functioning button:
UpgradeUnitButton ;later UpgradeFortWallsButton

file: data\ini\strategichud.ini
/// code /// the only I could find within the ini.big file in relation to the 'UpgradeUnitButton'

  Image = Strategic_ToggleDetailsBlue
  Title = STRATEGICHUD:ToggleSelectionDetailsTitle
  Help = STRATEGICHUD:ToggleSelectionDetailsHelp

  BuildingFortress = Archetype_FortressBuilding
  Armory = Archetype_Armory
  BuildingResource = Archetype_ResourceBuilding
  Barracks = Archetype_Barracks
  UnitSoldier = Archetype_Soldier
  UnitArcher = Archetype_Archer
  UnitPikemen = Archetype_Pikeman
  UnitCavalry = Archetype_Cavalry
  UnitHero = Archetype_Hero
  UnitFortress = Archetype_Fortress
  UnitSiege = Archetype_Siege
  UnitSupport = Archetype_Support

  Image = Strategic_UpgradeArmyBlue
  Title = STRATEGICHUD:UpgradeArmyMemberTitle
  Help = STRATEGICHUD:UpgradeArmyMemberHelp

Secondly, within the ini.big file I cannot seem to define a new upgrade to increase the auto-resolve strength (just 'use' the unit upgrade).
Hence, I cannot use this technique (not even a shortcut key I can use to access this upgrade).
Attempt 2: Fortress radial command set buttons
see the code below:
    file: data\ini\livingworldbuildings.ini
    /// Code ///

LivingWorldBuilding LWB_ArnorFortress
;// You must use "NuggetTag_Spawner" to name SpawnArmy nuggets.
BuildingNugget SpawnArmy NuggetTag_Spawner
QueueSize = 6
PlayerArmy = ArnorGloinArmy ;need a dummy unit
Icon = ArnorArmyIcon
IconSize = Small
PalantirMovie = Palantir_150
BuildTime = 1 ; 3
ConstructButtonImage = UCCommon_UpgradeStructureNew ;HIGloin_wotr
ConstructButtonTitle = CONTROLBAR:SelectUpgradesArnorFortress ;CONTROLBAR:LW_Hero_Gloin
ConstructButtonHelp = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipCommandSelectUpgradesArnorFortress ;CONTROLBAR:LW_ToolTipBuild_Gloin

With this method I was at least able to add a new button for the upgrade but:

I cannot change it from unit producing to upgrade never mind a command set toggle. Hence I cannot
get a button to grant an upgrade to structure in the living world (wotr) map.
see: image 3
This is just trying to implement a structure upgrade BUTTON in wotr, never mind defining the upgrade, the additonal auto-reolve data,adding the model to the wotr map or real time (as a series of walls).
Only thing I could think of is to get it to produce an invisible object (that can't be moved or clicked on) that produces a wotr upgrade to the auto resolve data within the fort ini file another object ini file.
Please note you cannot seem to mix-match the different commands in the two building nuggets shown.
Man, I'm starting to wish I had some serious (WOTR) modding skills.

Rotwk Living World Map (WOTR map) 3d Modeling problem

25 March 2016 - 10:28 PM

Hi everyone,

I have been having this problem with the following living world map (ROTWK WOTR map):






The problem is that when I import them using the w3d importer the usused sides of the 'splines' are rendered fine, but the topside which is actually used doesn't render correctly. The original files appear fine in w3dviewer. This applies to both files.


I'm using 3ds max 8 with the enhanced w3d importer (I've have tried the original w3d importer, but it results in the same) and the game is ROTWK.



I followed the following guide to lwm files:



Any help is appreciated

War of the Ring - Making new banners off pre-existing ones

08 August 2015 - 02:42 AM

When I try to import any hero banner both from ROTWK and BFME2 (using both 3ds max 8 and renx) from WOTR, I get the following import script errors (see attached) resulting in vertex distortion (the whole bottom of the flag is dragged below the ground). Any ideas guys???

Can't get object to appear in game with a normal texture

29 May 2015 - 02:32 PM

Hi everybody,

I have been trying to get a .w3d object (a wall) to appear in game.

It appears in game fine if I use no texture; but when I apply a normal map after recreating the asset.dat file it is invisible.

I have used the standard texture as my diffuse texture (screenshot: untitled4) and the blue version as my normal texture (screenshot: untitled3).


I have followed every step in the following guide from the3rdage.net: www.the3rdage.net/item-354?addview


My final object screenshot is: untitled2