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Member Since 27 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2013 01:19 AM

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In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

29 July 2013 - 02:42 AM

Yes, Bob got it right.

But it's also like that for gameplay reasons. If the DS is going to cost a lot it means the Ai is unlikely to start building it immediately, and also that it will take ages to first gather the insanely high amount of funds and then to construct it.

Anyway, main post updated. Due to me being busy in real life at the moment as well as many suggestions and other ideas making it to the sub mod, it will take longer for me to finish the next version than intended. The link for the download was also broken, so I updated it. Should work now!

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

18 July 2013 - 04:47 AM

Also, see what you can do to make putting them into vehicles easier.
On some maps, it's quite a pain to try to quickly load units into vehicles as you have to position everything just right and foot units move so slow.
Prehaps increase the footprint size of the area from within which a unit insta loads.
Then let the LAAT rushes commence as a useful tactic.

I can't do anything about this, sorry.

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

17 July 2013 - 01:34 PM

Try invading a planet with more than ten ground companies surviving after the battle (you can do this with extra infantry and heroes, which don't take up any ground population). The game tries to fit >10 companies into 10 ground slots, and fails, which results in the loss of your units. 
At least, I think that's the problem.

Yeah, tested and there's a problem. I invaded with over 50 infantry units and the game crashed before the battle event finished.

Will fix in next version by adding a population cap back to infantry, but making squads/platoons larger to keep the immersiveness with a lot of infantry.

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

14 July 2013 - 05:08 PM

*After winning ground battle I am loosing all of the ground units :O (Ord Mantell and Champala so far).

I'll look into it. Haven't noticed this before though on any planet I've conquered. You're playing as the Empire right?

I suck at coding outright, but editing files (especially when I'm using altered values someone else provides) is something I could VERY easily handle.

Lay out what changes I need to make and send me the files and I'd be happy to do the slow work.
edit: also pop cap at 120 has worked fine so far.

That would be cool! In general I wouldn't mind someone focusing on making the campaigns canonical and enjoyable for the player while I focus on tweaking the units to be as canonical as possible. This would mean playing around with the campaign files, the traderoutes file, and the planets file mostly, only edits are needed.

What worries me a bit now though is that my time on the submod has slowed down again since I'm rather busy at the moment.


Did you try the popcap with 120 fighter squadrons? If it works for you, I might consider raising it myself :)

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

13 July 2013 - 07:41 AM

Your only worry when you set population caps higher is basically fighter swarms, just using regular ships wont cause lag in Phoenix Rising. Try bringing in 120 fighter or bomber squadrons to a battle and see what happens. If your performance gets much worse, I'd advise into setting the population limit to 100 or maybe even back to 80.


Moggwhy, as said in the main thread I only make changes to the Galaxy Far Far Away campaign, all other campaigns are untouched and very likely buggy. This is because editing a campaign takes a long time if you want it done properly, is a rather repetitive task and I simply don't have that kind of time until the sub mod is "finished".