what if star was first came out in the 90's how do you guys think it would be different? such as ship designs weapons how they got across space etc etc..?
i will just start with weapons, personally i think it would be far more based off of kinetic energy, a.k.a big bullets that go really really fast, think of what would happen if you could make a bullet go half the speed of light, the kinetic energy of said think would tear through any hull and would causse devastating damage, etc etc...
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Member Since 31 Mar 2012Offline Last Active Jun 09 2012 07:57 PM
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What if...
02 June 2012 - 06:23 PM
Venator-land units
01 April 2012 - 10:58 PM
okay for the venator i was wondering how u got the units it carries/the bombers fighters and transports-because it seems like it carries an uncanny amount of transports compared to bombers and fighters of which i think a front line ship wouldnt carry so much-so i was wondering if you know or if you could find out how many fighters/bombers and transports the Venators actually carried into battle during the clone wars since i would expect that for a front line ship during that era, it would carry alot less transports?
Then im really only asking about adding 1 land unit-i was wondering about the AT-TE of which i think would be awesome to have in the game-also i think even if you dont make it "buildable" that you could possible make it like the LAAT, or the Republic/Empire Gunship of which you can't build, but can start out with them-the AT-TE was a great support vehicle that could take out the shields of another land unit-had i think 16 laser on it 8 in front 8 in back- and one main turrent that i think could shoot both an ion shell thing and an normal HE round? thank you for anwearing my questions-ihope
Then im really only asking about adding 1 land unit-i was wondering about the AT-TE of which i think would be awesome to have in the game-also i think even if you dont make it "buildable" that you could possible make it like the LAAT, or the Republic/Empire Gunship of which you can't build, but can start out with them-the AT-TE was a great support vehicle that could take out the shields of another land unit-had i think 16 laser on it 8 in front 8 in back- and one main turrent that i think could shoot both an ion shell thing and an normal HE round? thank you for anwearing my questions-ihope
saving problems
31 March 2012 - 06:13 PM
okay when i tried to save my game-it said no disc space avaiable for some reason and then deleted my campaign-been having this problem-i did keep somewhat of a log and there doesn't look to be any type of similaritys of what i am doing and when the game does this
then there is a pop up that happens it says- an exception has occured See _logfile.txt and _ecept.txt for details? can anyone help-this is really deminishing the fun of this game-alot-like a whole lot were im looking to just stop
then there is a pop up that happens it says- an exception has occured See _logfile.txt and _ecept.txt for details? can anyone help-this is really deminishing the fun of this game-alot-like a whole lot were im looking to just stop
How is Your 1.2 Campaign going?
31 March 2012 - 02:38 PM
Just wondering how all of your campaigns are going currently...You could post what you like to do or what you like to build your fleets around/or armys and what units you find personally usefull etc...stuff like that
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