your gonna have to start paying my medical bills if you keep making my jaw drop to the ground like that. eventually it will break on impact >.>
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- → Viewing Profile: Posts: HastyNancingEnt
Member Since 19 Apr 2005Offline Last Active Nov 30 2008 06:22 AM
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- Member Title Skinner that hates coding
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In Topic: Nertea's Model(s)
12 December 2006 - 04:30 AM
In Topic: A Possible Return From Retirement: BFME1 Mod Based of Guild Wars
11 December 2006 - 10:06 PM
How about this? If people join the team and i tell them what im looking for to be created then ill make the art and other codding make sense?
I need someone right now who can:
Create Unit inis that are simple
Create hordes with randomized models (like peasant hordes)
Create a banner carrier unit with healing bonus
Create banner carrier unit with Leading bonus
Create simple building codes
Knowledge of the game is not neccessary but it will help
I need someone right now who can:
Create Unit inis that are simple
Create hordes with randomized models (like peasant hordes)
Create a banner carrier unit with healing bonus
Create banner carrier unit with Leading bonus
Create simple building codes
Knowledge of the game is not neccessary but it will help
In Topic: A Possible Return From Retirement: BFME1 Mod Based of Guild Wars
11 December 2006 - 09:03 PM
Well youll find me on many names: Caedrin Anerion, Farming Abbess, Curses of Healing, and Hadijh Anerion (rangers, warriors, monk, and dervishes ftw) but is there anyone here who might be able to help?
In Topic: A Possible Return From Retirement: BFME1 Mod Based of Guild Wars
11 December 2006 - 02:35 AM
Lol. Well then, I am at this point a man stripped of his achievements. Due to computer problems my beloved work was lost in a rountine computer maintenence. I have considered suing the company for malpractice on my computer and substancial loss of data but i am hoping i will find it somewhere deep in my computer!
In Topic: Nertea's Model(s)
10 December 2006 - 05:24 AM
Well Nertea, Its nice to see your still busy. Your skins have definately reached a new level. The designs on your Imrahil is very original. I never cease to worship your work.
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