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Member Since 09 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2013 03:36 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Magyarország kész!

23 March 2013 - 12:58 PM

Very cool, I see a new map there too! Can't wait till it comes out.

In Topic: Bad lag

18 March 2013 - 02:02 PM

I've added an extra 2 GB of ram and that helps some, Im up to 4 medium AIs which is much better then before. Tried the capability idea but no noticeable difference.

I've noticed its worse whenever I have a Russian AI on the map (all the rockets perhaps?) Also I normally play on speed level 3 or 4. It's what I enjoy plus when 10+ IS7s come knocking on your door ya need a little time :p

And Apollo where would the translucency setting be at? Btw thanks everyone.

In Topic: v3.6 bugs

13 March 2013 - 07:46 PM

I've already have that thx though its not a big deal. :/ Might try it on win xp and see how it goes there.


Oh and a few more bugs, american arty t30 doesn't shoot and the german early war anti-air defense doesn't shoot either.

In Topic: v3.6 bugs

12 March 2013 - 04:37 AM

Great thanks for the response. My drivers are up to date so it might be that my system is too new.

However Im getting really bad lag when there is more than 2 players on a map, tried lowering the detail level but it didn't help any.

It seems worse when there is a lot of smoke effects and explosions. Is there any way I can deactivate the smoke effects? Not a big deal if I can't


Thanks again and keep up the awesome work, best rts game I've played in a long time even in its beta stage...

In Topic: v3.6 bugs

10 March 2013 - 03:03 AM

Just downloaded this mod yesterday. Everything is phenomenal.

Few bugs I found that doesn't seem to be on the forums:

1. German armory doesn't work after you train the first unit.

2. America can only build 5 engineers.

3. Every building in an enemy base can be captured except one factory and one airfield; if there is multiple factories or airfields those can be captured but the first ones can't.

4. Mouse cursor hangs on the repair/sell button and minimap.