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Member Since 09 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2013 03:36 AM

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Bad lag

16 March 2013 - 02:38 PM

Hey everyone, I need to find out why I got really bad lag with this game. Its to the point to where I can only do 1v1. If I do more its kinda unplayable. So here's my specs.


OS Window 7 64bit

Processor: AMD athlon 2 (four core) 3.10 GHz 


Video card AMD Radeon HD 6670 (up to date driver)


The game is installed correctly. I've tried ares version dc03.12.35.625 as well as dc03.12.347.1255 and even


Someone said my computer might be to 'new' which is understandable so the question is how could I make my computer less new figuratively speaking?


I have a second hard drive that I thought I could load up Windows XP on. Would that help?

Thanks to anyone who helps.