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Member Since 02 May 2005
Offline Last Active May 28 2006 04:16 PM

Topics I've Started

Feature suggestion

11 February 2006 - 04:49 AM

The current UCS Editor is much better than the old way of editing them. But, it would be awesome if it was possible to open a RGD, then click on the UCS reference, then go to a window that has that reference in each Locale displayed at the same time.

I'm certain that this feature would be very helpful to anyone who's editing multiple languages at once or doing a translation.

Along the same lines, the ability to scan all RGDs for UCS references so that it's possible to cross reference in either direction (Click on UCS string, see a list of all RGDs referencing it) would be very useful.

DoW Rebirth

06 January 2006 - 08:09 PM

Just in case anyone here is working on it, I've made an initial pass at modding the skirmish AI for MirageKnight's Rebirth mod.

It's here: http://dow.lerp.com/rebirthai-2.zip

This one has Chaos and Eldar, mostly working as far as I know.

I've entered the building costs, but not addon/research costs for the other races as well.

WA Bayonet Rush AI Mod

04 November 2005 - 08:05 PM

I've coded an AI mod that performs an IG Bayonet rush (3 guardsmen, 2 commissars, attack immediately). It's designed for 1v1 skirmish against a human playing as SM on Blood River. It should have the difficulty setting on Hard since Harder and Insane give it a resource boost.

I've given up on this since I think it requires some of the SCAR functions to achieve my goal of decent micro. But, this AI mod still executes a bayonet rush (it doesn't tech or even cap points) and it has better micro than most AIs. If there's interest in it or someone else would like to continue working on it, I'll help with whatever I can.

Install by extracting to DoW directory, then selecting it from the game manager.


Easy and Standard difficulty

09 October 2005 - 07:18 PM

Is there a reason to have separate AI files for these difficulty levels? It seems like having only the Advanced stuff would be fine, given the limited resource rate at these levels.

Winter Assault shootas

02 October 2005 - 07:00 PM

In Winter Assault, Ork shoota boyz are very very good (without the big shoota). Big shootas were nerfed and the regular shoota boyz are buffed big time. I suggest changing the shoota ShootaTactic to allow reinforcing to 8 even after 30 pop. But it seems like big shootas might not be worth it now.

Also, the "don't reinforce more than 9" code is irrelevant since max squad size is 8 now.