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Member Since 07 Dec 2013
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#1054455 MO 3.3 // Overused/Underused/NotUsed Units, Buildings & Support Powers

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 17 March 2017 - 10:57 PM

Peace through power, brothers!


Beware, my post will be quite long because i'd like to discuss all units, powers and building. which are useful, which are not and why and which are simply not used much for no real reason. Those that i don't mention are mandatory and its useless talking about them. (this is all based on my experience and the units i do or do not use)





emp mines. underused. useless


irradiation. underused. this power is good for its cost (no cost) and can deal some additional damage but most of the time i rely solely on the firepower of my units and its a rarety something would come close to my nuwas. 


wallbuster. underused. only useful against a lot of costly defences so its uses are limited and it is not very cost effective otherwise.


gear change. underused. this economy power looks interesting but is only useful if you are completely broke and dont have any immediate means to get money. as long as you have a healthy economy, the power will only hurt your production.


emp. underused. i find myself rarely relying on this support power to fight vehicles. and i think this shouldnt be the case :D


gyrocopter. overused. highly mobile units with good damage against masses of infantry. easily why i dont use more eradicators. 


yunru. underused. can emp own units, useful as support but most of the time not cost effective. useless as eathshaker. 


main battle tanks (all) deal no damage against infantry, base and air and they cant run over too many units. they fail as assault units and thats why most prefer to tech up and/or use different units. underused


centurion. underused. its limited quantity makes it too slow at dealing damage. nuwas are often the better assault unit. even at support (yunru, eradicators) the centurion is somewhat failing because of its slow speed. if you could built 2, then we would be talking.


dragonfly. underused. too much micro and monetary investment for large armies. could be very useful if small armies meet. very fragile.


sentinel. overused. fantastic anti air and its heavy specialization can make the unit useless when no air units are used.


dustdevil. underused. completely useless. for the confederation as the smoke bombing support power is much more effective and lot less costly. very situational use. against big strong armies with limited anti air they can prove useful but that is a rare sight.




As a China main, what I see kinda bothers me, especially the ones in bold kinda bother me most, and I shall go through each of em.



-EMP Mines:  Try putting em next to enemy forces in your base.  It's actually very lethal, even though they'll be getting nerfs soon.


-Irradiation:  You can ask those who've played with me enough of the potential this ability.


-Wallbuster:  A favorite of mine, which has helped me get stolen tech so many times.  Besides that, it's still useful against a group of base defenses, and that really helps against turtlers.


-Gear Change:  It's not bad, especially during low-money stalemates so as long as you can last.


-EMP:  Try em against most non-fiber'd Foehn infantry too.  It really helps.  And imagine if it's just Foehn infantry that are coming, cue hungry Terror Drones after that.


-Gyrocopter:  Really good that you know of their use.  Just know the balance between them and Eradicators.


-Yunru:  Ah, the big one.  She's almost like a necessity when it comes down to shutting down armor divisions or most non-fibered Foehn infantry, and she can stunlock 2 groups if you manually control her well (best out of the Cent).  As for Earth Breaker, I've made use of it in the past, and actually will be willing to do it again just to show you that it aint useless... if you ever come across me that is...


-MBTs:  Each have their use, like Mantis/Bulldog/Jaguar rushes early on (that can run over infantry well with their speed), or the power + durability of Qilins.  They shouldn't be underestimated, and I say this for many reasons.


-Centurion:  You always have to have one of these when it's late game.  It's really the only thing China has that can outrange many things like T3 base defenses, can harass armor from a distance if controlled and supported well, has AA as well, and well, more.


-Dragonfly:  It is underrated, yes, but it still has many uses, like sinking hover units on water, or slowing down enemy economy by holding down miners (which you can also kill if they're undefended), and they can even jam enemy radar if you can sneak one close to the enemy's radar.


-Sentinel:  Definitely good, but one should know the balance between using them and Halftracks, as Halftracks have some perks over Sentinels sometimes.


-Dustdevil:  Not useless.  Just being able to debuff the attack of groups of enemies if handled well can turn the tides when armies clash (and even distract AA troops in the process).



While I may slightly understand if it's your preference, but I can still see you're not seeing the full potential of some of those things.  As for China, I'll gladly show you some potential with em if we do fight,

#1052643 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 01 March 2017 - 12:01 PM

Oh, talk of boats.  Let's see...  Soviets first.


-Typhoon:  Standard, stealthy, and high-damage vs naval

-Seawolf:  Low damage, but fast and versatile, and can fire on the move.  Effective against light armor and infantry that appear on the water.

-Dreadnought:  Long-ranged base siege.

-Akula:  Stealthy long-ranged base siege.  Russia only


We also have a reminder that Ivans and Borillos/Armadillos are amphibious.  In this state, Soviets lack reliable long-ranged siege against moving targets and heavy AA (Unless you're Russia with WH).  Filling these roles would probably be different to each subfaction as Russia would likely have a Tesla weapon, China nuclear, and LC with Flames.



Then there's Foehn's.


-Swordfish:  Strong anti-armor/naval, but poor against buildings and infantry, and short-ranged.

-Angelshark:  Stealthy naval disruption.

-Leviathan:  Powerful AoE siege, best against buildings and groups of armor that can't escape its attacks.


Reminders that Jackals, Gharials, Zorbs, and Clairvoyants are amphibious, whereas each can help with the infantry problem.  Coronia really has no problem with naval skirmishes if their air divisions and Zorbs are around and numerous, Gharials for anti-infantry and immunity to mind control for Bastion, and Haihead's Diverbees against naval stuff.  So personally, Foehn has it fine, but would require barracks/WF things too.  We also have to remind ourselves that there's multiple roles for each of the Foehn ships, especially the Swordfish.



And I'm against Foehn having any more powerful anti-armor navy.  Swordfish already have high damage output against naval units and nearby vehicles at the cost of being poor against infantry and buildings, not to mention they can AA as well.

#1052083 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 24 February 2017 - 07:22 PM

It is true that Soviet t1 infantry are lackluster, but that's because they're meant to be strength in numbers of the sort with their low cost and take advantage of garrisons if they can, or even be "meat shields" as some call it (well, at least that works in early game).  At least Mortar Flak troops, compared to the other AA infantry, well I find em more efficient at killing lightly-armored air units like Rocketeers and lesser planes, and you don't even have to worry about their shots missing at all.  And looking at the stats, Flak and Archers share the same HP amount, so they're not that useless.

Unfortunately they're not as useful in late-game cept defense against jets or rocketeers or something like that.  And for Conscripts... yea, they're probably not relevant for late game at all cept for garrisons, but by then your enemy would have something to take em out.



As for basic tanks, it's obvious what's the best, but it depends on the category.


-Jaguar for speed and damage.  Definitely one of the best rushing MBTs, and the desperate driver adds to damage.

-Bulldog for speed and harming infantry.  Also good at rushing.

-Qilin for durability and damage.  Also is still relevant in late game scenarios given its power, and certain matchups actually do call for more Qilins over Nuwas.

-Bison for endurance (if it stays still, which is good against bases without too much DPS)

-Mantis for speed, rushing, and is cheap to build.  I almost didn't want to put this one honestly as I find Bulldogs probably superior.


As for the others, well...


-Cavalier:  Pretty much all-around and basic.

-Kappa:  Doesn't slow down when on ore patches and is amphibious, good for naval support.  Just don't do the naval part against PC or China (borderline Russia).

-Rhino:  Nothing special about it.  Just fairly durable with some power and late-game paradrop, but Jaguars are faster and have that same damage.

-Opus:  Double power if infantry inside, can also be used as transport (a quiet one too unlike Stingers)

-Lasher:  Only good for hit n run, but they still fall against the stronger MBTs.

-Draco:  Its speed boost from spinblades and flying drone feature is great and unique, but its power is lackluster and repelled if there's AA support.

-Cyclops:  Fair speed, power, and durability, but good power only if it's close to a target, but that means going right into a standard blob of units (mostly).  Great for busting unprotected miners though, but even then they're expensive.

#1049889 Patch 3.3.1 Proposed Changelog

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 06 February 2017 - 05:18 AM

I still think Zorbfloater healing speed should be reduced.  There don't seem to be much ways to kill em without either Morales, Curtained Terror Drones (which do nothing if Zorbs are on water), focused air strikes, Rahn (though he'll die if there's a number of Zorbs), Duplicants (if the player leaves the Zorbs there), maybe Battle Tortoises with SEALs, or something.  It's just not much counters without sacrificing a lot of things just to kill em, and that's saying that while they're likely accompanied by Pteranodons, Alanqas, and/or other infantry.  You get the idea of the struggle.


Also agreed with the Irkalla fireballs.  They should have a lifespan just like the shots from Uragaan and Leviathans.

#1046006 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 07 January 2017 - 11:16 AM

The devs have released like 4 videos on how to play as Foehn.



Why not show us how to counter it?


If they do that, I recommend general faction vids to counter each of the 3 Foehn Subfactions.



Example:  Allied factions vs each Foehn subfaction.

Here I'd want to suggest tips to help beat certain Foehn things in two categories; General Allied counters and Subfaction-specific (What USA, EA, or Pacific on their own) ones.  I honestly don't know where to start or how, so I'd like to know what's some of the biggest troubles ppl are having against Foehn (even if they play Foehn too), whether it's rushes or certain units.  I don't have too much knowledge on non-Soviet stuff, so here's something I can recommend, but again, just an example of a potential format.


Foehn threat of w/e kind (such early Infantry rush)

-General Faction strategies

-Subfaction specific strategies (if applicable)


Something like that.  Honestly, I'd just ask what Foehn problem you have, what subfaction (or faction) you're using, and maybe someone can give solutions.

#950025 MO3.0 Feedback // BALANCING

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 01 March 2014 - 10:22 AM

Mev has a point on all those.  The only thing I'm looking at more of is that I believe pressing G on your allied/Epsilon repair units may make it act like a repair drone that automatically repairs nearby damaged units.  


And I'm aware of USA having literally nothing to stop Nuwa spam if it happens.  All it takes is for the China player to set up good defenses (EMP mines for example, but I don't see many players besides me use those) long enough til the Nuwas come around, meaning that if USA doesn't rush and keep up the pressure to stop them from either getting to T3, or cripple their econ, the USA player is done for.

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#944941 MO Screenshots Thread (Image Heavy!)

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 15 January 2014 - 01:58 PM

Yunie-chan reaching Elite status achieved! <3




Attached Thumbnails

  • EliteYunru.jpg

#944068 MO Screenshots Thread (Image Heavy!)

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 10 January 2014 - 12:53 AM

What's better than 1 Mercury IFV?


How bout 7?  Thanks to demented for joining (and somehow got DC'd) for random Unholy Alliance.


Occupied by Rahn, Libra, Malver, Tanya, Volkov, Chitzkoi, and Morales.


Sorry for not being good with uploading images.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Team Mercury.jpg

#942966 MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 31 December 2013 - 08:20 AM


"Knowledge is power." -Yunru


you're so up yourself :L, why don't you make that your signature?



Norio agrees, and Yunru approves.

#940724 What is your favourite faction in 3.0? Vote!

Posted by Admiral_Pit on 17 December 2013 - 04:16 AM

Russia has the versatility that I need.  Tesla Cruisers for armor and troops, Wolfhounds for all-around except buildings, Akula subs for sneaky base attacks, the cool hero team of Volkov and Chitzkoi, fun mobilizing with the Stalin's Fist, and the classic Rhino Tank that can be paradropped.  Plus them Tsivils taking more hits than halftracks ever could.


EDIT:  For China now.