hey, I'm trying to make an asset.dat from scratch this means I have an Art folder with all the W3D files, textures and terrains. I tried both sy's and EA asset makers in different ways. I noticed sy's doesn't understand compiledtextures so I moved all those textures into the textures-folder just to make the asset.dat. That seem to work except there are no terrain textures opening any map in worldbuilder lacks all the textures(not pink oddly enough they are just not there). So I'm trying to add the terrain folder to it and it says duplicates found etc. I get through all that but it does not work yet.
Anyone got any experience with this? Advice appreciated!
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Struggeling with asset.dat from scratch
21 June 2017 - 08:27 PM
Gondor (BFME1) castle buildplots are 90 turned how to fix this?
15 June 2017 - 06:30 PM
I have a gondor castle working in BFME2 but the buildings build on plots are rotated. I saw someone wrote that they turned their buildplots manually 90° to the right in worldbuilder. But when I look at mods like RC mod, RJ ROTWK, BFME Tactics etc. They didn't do this. Can anyone tell me how they corrected the 90° turn on buildings without rotating the plot?
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