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Grand Lethal

Member Since 05 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2014 06:21 PM

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In Topic: Grand Lethal's modding questions

06 November 2014 - 10:42 AM

I'm glad that I'm not the only one having troubles. I'd like to create the walkable castles as the starting base (but keep the build-anywhere function), as I really think EALA made a massive mistake with removing them, but then this happens even though the assets are already in the game?


I know people have gotten it to work as I've seen screenshots of Castles in BFME2 and RotWK. I just don't know what is going wrong. Is there anyone who is still active who's had success with this? 

In Topic: Grand Lethal's modding questions

01 November 2014 - 12:45 PM

I'm trying to make a new .bse file for the Elven faction, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've Hex Edited the file so the Fortress_Elven is read correctly, but my base doesn't fully show up. Every piece in the file is set to the Elven player and BASE, but it shows up in-game really fragmented, like this:




I'm not sure why some pieces are showing up and others aren't.

In Topic: Grand Lethal's modding questions

28 October 2014 - 09:16 PM

Sorry for the double post, but this is on something slightly different.


I have Last Stand working almost as I want it to. I'm trying to make it so that when Last Stand triggers (when Boromir dies) he gets a new weaponset and a modifier applied to him. Think Gimli's Slayer ability that's passively triggered rather than pressed. Is that possible? Since the Last Stand code doesn't use a SpecialPower as a reference I'm kind of at a loss. This is what I've been trying:

//----- LAST STAND ----------------------------------------------------------------

	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_TheodenLeadership
		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFakeLeadership2
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_BoromirLastStand
	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_TheodenLeadershipUpdate   
		SpecialPowerTemplate      = SpecialAbilityFakeLeadership2
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack  = No
		StartsPaused = Yes
	Behavior = ActivateModuleSpecialPower ModuleTag_MouthOfSauronDoubtMover02
		SpecialPowerTemplate		= SpecialAbilityFakeLeadership2
		StartAbilityRange			= 300
		TriggerSpecialPower			= ModuleTag_KnifeFighterPowerUpdate
	Behavior = WeaponModeSpecialPowerUpdate ModuleTag_KnifeFighterPowerUpdate
		SpecialPowerTemplate	= SpecialAbilityFakeLeadership2
		Duration				= 15000			; Needs to match SpecialAbilityGimliHeroMode
		AttributeModifier		= BoromirLastStand
		;LockWeaponSlot			= SECONDARY
		WeaponSetFlags			= WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
		StartsPaused			= Yes
		;InitiateSound 			= AragornBladeMaster		;this doesn't work
	Body = DelayedDeathBody ModuleTag_DelayedDeathBody ;DelayedDeath is a variation of RespawnBody
		CheerRadius 				= EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS
		MaxHealth				= 2500 ;BOROMIR_HEALTH		; BALANCE
        	MaxHealthDamaged  			= 1000 ;;;BOROMIR_HEALTH        
        	MaxHealthReallyDamaged 			= 10 ;;;BOROMIR_HEALTH  
       		DoHealthCheck                = Yes    ; Don't want to get the delayed death behaviour when we die normally.
		DelayedDeathTime			= 15000		; Amount of time spent still fighting after being killed
		DelayedDeathPrerequisiteUpgrade		= Upgrade_BoromirLastStand	; Need this upgrade to be able to delay my death.
		InvulnerableFX				= FX_BoromirLastStand02

		PermanentlyKilledByFilter		= NONE		;Who kills me permanently?
 		DodgePercent      			= HERO_DODGE_PERCENT		

The second block (lines 616 onward) works like a charm, I just can't seem to make the first block of code work. I have a new Weaponset and ModelConditionState for the switch of weapon. I'm probably asking the impossible since don't modifiers -stop- working once a unit is (technically) dead? I just wanted to give the ability a bit of a supercharge since it only keeps Boromir alive for a further 15 seconds. He he suddenly turned into a raging warrior who deals more damage at a faster rate with an arcing weapon killing him would come with a major consequence for the enemy. Maybe that's why EA sacked the ability?  :sad:

In Topic: Grand Lethal's modding questions

28 October 2014 - 06:44 PM

Sorry for raising this thread from the dead, but I thought it'd be better than making a new one.


Thanks for the input, DeeZire =] I figured it'd be a lot of work, maybe not THAT much :p I imagine a custom War of the Ring scenario for a new/old Campaign would work? I mean it works great in RJ-RotWK.




But, my current question is: Has anyone managed to recreate EA's original "Last Stand" concept? Whereby Boromir will continue fighting for X amount of seconds after his HP reaches 0%? I imagine using the code that does this for trolls would work but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for. 


My best guess would be that the troll's post-death rampage behaviour is triggered by this line of code?

Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03
		AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle	= Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS
		AILuaEventsList				= TrollFunctions
		RampageTime					=	4470
		AttackPriority				= AttackPriority_Cavalry

I doubt it'd be a simple as copying it over to Boromir's code. I have no idea where the AILuaEvenstList is located otherwise I'd have a look through that and see if I can put anything together.


Making it a levelled skill might be a challenge, but the Mouth of Sauron's "Doubt/Dissent" code (TriggerSpecialPower = ) might be the ticket (it worked for making the auto healing from the Wells a levelled passive ability), I just need a push in the right direction and I'll try and put something together.



I've had a look at GothmogTheOrc's "Boromir, Captain of Gondor" mod and the ability works fine in it. I've had a look at the code and in Boromir's ini file and matched it, but now when "Last Stand" triggers, Boromir still fights away but the camera fades away as if he's dead and there are no more units in the area?



Ah, I hadn't matched the code entirely. EA's left over code was missing some vital bits. The ability works like a charm! I just need some FX that actually works now, huzzah. 

In Topic: -Mod Command refuses to work

20 October 2014 - 07:01 PM

I remade my shortcut and followed your list and it worked. Annoyingly enough I was already doing everything you said, at least I thought so. I was obviously doing something wrong! Thanks for the help =]