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Member Since 16 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active May 20 2024 01:11 PM

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In Topic: MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

26 September 2022 - 10:26 AM

Ever wonder how the Rage Inductor got the short end of the stick as a superweapon in the campaign when it comes to mission importance? 


Compared to ALL superweapons that appeared so far, it is the only superweapon structure where a mission objective is not related to it. Even EMP Control Stations, Tech Missile Bunkers and Shield Commands played an important part at some point in the campaign. The Rage support power it provides was certainly important in the Epsilon finales, but the structure itself is nowhere to be found.


Hopefully a future mission will do this superweapon justice as a critical structure. The mission Insomnia is a good starting point for some inspiration since its Rage has been modified so it activates around itself automatically, and it is conveniently placed near some Cloning Vats. Too bad this is overshadowed by what the rest of the mission has to offer.

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

08 July 2022 - 02:09 AM

Orcinus and Golden Wind, what do these two have in common? Currently, both are underused even in a PvP setting, since one negatively affects both the user and their enemies, and the other not only requires a superweapon that is already the least used minor superweapon, but is also objectively weaker than other armor modifiers (to compare, Golden Wind gives +30% armor while Thor Gunship deploy gives +50% armor for free and can be used anytime.  


So here's my proposition: Merge these two into one reworked unit: It has the Orcinus' stats and appearance, but instead of an area-of-effect weapons jamming when deployed, it grants the Golden Wind buff without needing the original Golden Wind support power. Even if the Golden Wind armor buff value is unchanged, it will definitely see more use now that it purely benefits the user AND it retains what the Orcinus was originally designed for according to its lore: to support infantry-based combat. 

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

22 March 2022 - 12:17 PM

The Iron Dragon is considered by many to be an outright game-winning, broken stolen tech unit. If nerfing its weapon is not an option, then nerfing its death effect is the next best option.


As it stands right now, destroying an Iron Dragon causes other units near it to be invulnerable temporarily, which punishes and frustrates the enemy player more than it benefits them. Therefore, why not let the death effect do the opposite instead?


By causing its death effect to heavily damage nearby units, I can foresee the following outcomes:

- High risk high reward, can potentially punish the stolen tech player for relying on only Iron Dragons but also keep the overpowered feeling of a stolen tech unit

- A chain reaction that can result in the destruction of the stolen tech player's entire blob, which is satisfying to see for the enemy player

- MO needs more of the spectacular chain reactions that are reminiscent of Tiberian Dawn Grenadiers and Red Alert 1 Flamethrowers spam, wouldn't you agree?