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Member Since 16 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2021 03:24 PM

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In Topic: Mordor Faction Plan

23 July 2020 - 08:28 PM

Orc Inspector
An officer in Sauron’s army and slavedriver of the Orcs. Carries a whip to enforce his orders. Recruited from a level 3 Orc Barracks.
Rank 1: Cruel Master
Passive: Orc Warriors, Pikemen, and Archers nearby the Inspector receive +15% armour, +10% damage, and +10% range. At Rank 5, increases to +25% armour and +15% damage.
Active: Levels up the Inspector. 300 to rank 3, 600 to rank 5.
Rank 1: Inspection!
Passive: Reveals stealth in a radius around the Inspector.
Active: Orc units nearby the Inspector briefly get a large increase to their experience gain.
(Alternate: Temporarily stuns an enemy battalion)
Rank 3: Where There’s a Whip
The Inspector cracks his whip. Nearby Orc units get a +15% speed increase and a +50% ranged avoidance increase.
Rank 5: There’s a Way
The Inspector commands his Orcs to enter the fray with no regard for their own safety. Target a friendly Orc battalion to dramatically increase their speed, armour, and damage. Orc battalion dies after 10 seconds.
I think I've mentioned this idea in the past but I feel like Easterlings tend to overshadow Orcs in Mordor, and I think it'd be cool if you could totally forgo them in a game. This unit would partially buff the Warriors, Pikemen and Archers into "somewhat better than fodder" for the late game almost acting as an alternative to armor and weapon upgrades.

In Topic: Misty Mountains Faction Plan

26 April 2020 - 08:46 PM

A few suggested tweaks and additions. Big thanks to OakenShield224 for helping me with this.


Lug the Mauled - 1800


Mountain Orc ranged hero with an emphasis on hunting/controlling monsters.


Visual cue: A tribal-looking orc hunter with a primitive spear and bow. Wears animal skins and warpaint. Face is heavily scarred and/or possibly wearing a mask of some kind.


Rank 1: Master of Beasts 

The Mauled Orc is experienced in dominating all manner of creature, and had a hand in driving Beorn's people out of the mountains.

Lug deals extra damage to enemy cavalry, monsters, and Beornings. Passive.

Activate to summon a beast cage, containing a warg that will attack nearby enemies. Relatively short cooldown.


Rank 1: The Hunter 

Lug can kill any beast, no matter if he wields sharpened rod or swift arrow.

Toggles between his bow and spear.


Rank 3: Beast Tamer

From the beasts of the earth to the birds of the sky, Lug has hunted every manner of creature.

Target monster/flying unit has a reduction in speed and damage for a short time.


Rank 6: Scent of Blood

Lug's prowess with taming is such that he can whip his monsters into a murderous frenzy, causing them to abandon any attempt at self-preservation to pursue a kill.

Temporarily grants an allied single-entity monster unit (Cave Troll, Giant Bat, Gundabad Troll, Fire Wyrm or Stone Giant) greatly increased damage at the cost of increasing its vulnerability. Does not apply to buildings.


Rank 9: Totem of the Wild

An effigy constructed by Lug to mark his dominion over nature. Its threatening visage terrifies any horse or beast that lays eyes on it, and Lug's own tamed creatures guard it fervently.

Summons a Totem of the Wild to the battlefield that is permanent until it is destroyed. This will heavily increase the crush deceleration of enemy monsters and cavalry in the surrounding area. The Totem will be protected by a few Wargs and Giant Bats.




Tom - Summoned

Rank 1: More Where That Came From

Tom sneezes on an enemy unit, causing poison damage.


Uses Troll melee animations.


Bert - Summoned

Rank 1: Mutton Roast

Bert summons a campfire with mutton roasting on it, healing units in a small radius around it.


Uses Troll with club animations. Club is replaced with a large skewer.


Bill - Summoned

Rank 1: Troll Purse

Passive: Bill detects stealth in a radius around him.

Rank 1: Close Range Attack/Throw Rocks

Switches between melee attacks and throwing rocks.


Uses Troll melee animations, but can switch to rock-throwing mode.


Tier 3 Power - The Three Trolls - Summons Tom, Bert, and Bill. (Replaces Guard of the Mountains)


Monster Lair - 800 (Renamed Wyrm Lair)
Requires Allegiance: Northern Wastes
Rank 1: Recruit Wyrm - 2000
A flightless lesser dragon with a powerful fiery breath capable of wiping out swathes of infantry.
Rank 2: Recruit Stone Giant - 3000.
A massive giant from the High Pass that can lob massive boulders.
Rank 2: Research Wyrm Armor.
When researched and equipped, all Wyrms gain +30% armor to pierce damage.


In Topic: SEE Stone Giants

27 January 2020 - 03:55 PM

Are there any up to date pictures of this unit? I'm curious to see what the model looks like but all the pictures in the thread are broken.