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#1110495 Mordor Faction Plan

Posted by Giveaway412 on 23 July 2020 - 08:28 PM

Orc Inspector
An officer in Sauron’s army and slavedriver of the Orcs. Carries a whip to enforce his orders. Recruited from a level 3 Orc Barracks.
Rank 1: Cruel Master
Passive: Orc Warriors, Pikemen, and Archers nearby the Inspector receive +15% armour, +10% damage, and +10% range. At Rank 5, increases to +25% armour and +15% damage.
Active: Levels up the Inspector. 300 to rank 3, 600 to rank 5.
Rank 1: Inspection!
Passive: Reveals stealth in a radius around the Inspector.
Active: Orc units nearby the Inspector briefly get a large increase to their experience gain.
(Alternate: Temporarily stuns an enemy battalion)
Rank 3: Where There’s a Whip
The Inspector cracks his whip. Nearby Orc units get a +15% speed increase and a +50% ranged avoidance increase.
Rank 5: There’s a Way
The Inspector commands his Orcs to enter the fray with no regard for their own safety. Target a friendly Orc battalion to dramatically increase their speed, armour, and damage. Orc battalion dies after 10 seconds.
I think I've mentioned this idea in the past but I feel like Easterlings tend to overshadow Orcs in Mordor, and I think it'd be cool if you could totally forgo them in a game. This unit would partially buff the Warriors, Pikemen and Archers into "somewhat better than fodder" for the late game almost acting as an alternative to armor and weapon upgrades.

#1054930 Woodland Realm Faction Plan

Posted by Giveaway412 on 21 March 2017 - 04:59 PM

I like the description at the start explaining the play style and general theme of the faction. It'd be nice to have something like that on all the faction plans.


Great write-up though! I'm continually astounded by the sheer quality of your work. I can't wait to see what else you have in store!