i cant remember if you've already said this, but if you're making a formations mod, you definitely need to include combo formations for trebs/cats/ballista, at least with the standard soldier unit. another good idea, if you haven't done it yet, is make it so the SoR/lancers can form a combo.
you could also make ent or troll combo formations (you might wanna make ent/troll hordes first). You might even try and make a way so that heroes can form combos, with each other and/or other units.
Other more generic (boring) formations would be circle/semicircle shaped ones, but they'd probably be pretty hard to do. perhaps an inverted wedge formation too if you want. you could also do a column formation, where they line up like 2 or 3 side by side, but really long.
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Member Since 30 Aug 2005Offline Last Active Apr 30 2007 12:13 AM
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In Topic: The Formations Mod
21 September 2005 - 06:41 PM
In Topic: Revelation Mod- Pausing until BFME2
21 September 2005 - 06:33 PM
I think this is a very wise choice. Although it seems you have done a fair amount of work on it, and might be able to get it done before b4me2, i think the mod will be playec more on b4me2 than 1.
In Topic: Program Im Working on
20 September 2005 - 08:37 PM
now THAT looks useful! but whats with the seemingly random numers for backup info? do those numbers actually mean something?
In Topic: Midget and Super Hobbit Mod
14 September 2005 - 02:17 AM
wow that sounds horribly amusing. but i have to ask...why?!?
In Topic: New Special Power
12 September 2005 - 08:32 PM
you created an upgrade and stuff for him to get it when he gets to the appropriate level, and added it it experiencelevels.ini right?
i cant find the problem with the code, but you could try taking out the whole 'egg' thing and just having one ocl which summons the objects directly, if no one else has an idea of what to do.
i cant find the problem with the code, but you could try taking out the whole 'egg' thing and just having one ocl which summons the objects directly, if no one else has an idea of what to do.
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