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Member Since 04 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2006 06:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Your prefered faction?

02 February 2006 - 04:41 PM

i choose the Empire their weapons and units are much more powerful than the rebels

In Topic: (Off Topic) Empire at War Demo

24 January 2006 - 05:24 AM

when does Empire at War come out?

In Topic: Airforce Gen.

03 January 2006 - 08:54 PM

how about remove the airf warfactory and create new building for the heavy choppers to match the tank gen

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i think the Apache would be a great match for the tank gen and would be a great addition because it is stronger than the comanche.

In Topic: sujections

24 December 2005 - 11:13 PM

Hello guys. I have play contra 04 and 03 and they are awesome, congratulattions. But, if there is going to be a contra 05, then I will like to sujects aircrafts for the  generals. here is my sujection:


Nuke: nuclear MIG 35 and Su-47
tank: Su-37 and MIG 35
Infantry: Yak-38 and MiG 35
flame: Su-47, MIG 35 and/or MIG 27


AFG: F-22A, F-117, F-35, F-18A, Aurora or B-1
Laser: F-22, F-18A, F-15, aurora
SW: F-22, F-117, F-15C, Aurora
robot: F-22, F-15A, F-117


Chem.: MIG 27, and/or MIG 25
Stealth: MIG 25 and/or Su-27
Demo.: MIG 27 and MIG 25
Assault: MIG 29 and Su-37

bombers for the AFG is your choice. again this is only a sujection if there is going to be a contra 05.


if this were to happen then i think the AFG should get the F-15 instead of the F-18 or maybe both. if the other usa generals get the F-15 and AFG doesn't that would be weird. :p

In Topic: Rank problems...

23 December 2005 - 06:16 PM

remix 3 is still under construction