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Member Since 17 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active May 31 2024 04:44 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Still unable to use Revora login details for C&C Online login

31 May 2024 - 04:44 PM


In Topic: Still unable to use Revora login details for C&C Online login

28 May 2024 - 06:22 PM

I'm still having issues
Password reset on Revora didn't reset the password on C&C Online

In Topic: [C&C Online] Login Error

26 May 2024 - 11:41 PM

Where did you do the password reset? I'm having the same problem

In Topic: Still unable to use Revora login details for C&C Online login

26 May 2024 - 07:51 PM

"The username and password is the one you use for the Revora Forums.1"
Ok, I can login to here but not on Revora