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Member Since 27 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2006 06:23 PM

Topics I've Started

EVA sounds

03 July 2006 - 09:15 PM


Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place.

I've been working on new EVA as a complete replacement or just adding a few new ones.

The rar file contains a few sample EVA's using my own voice, and a few others I've been experimenting with, robotic style.

I've also added two files for an EVA annoucement of Lefthand's vxls - The Hauler and Storm Tank, again in my own voice.

Note:Not all of the EVA has been done, and not converted for RA2/YR use.

I will continue to update these sounds, and edit this post, if these peaks anyones' interest.


29 June 2006 - 06:22 PM

A few cameo's I've just created. Some are images from google, and some are out of Generals.

My first try at this, so comments would be appreciated. :lol:

New building

21 April 2006 - 02:10 PM


This building was a little hard to code, to get it to work with the train.
To those more experienced than myself, the code will probably look a little strange. ;)

I've included everything needed to code this building, alternatively it can be used as any civilian structure.

If anyone wants to improve on the code, please feel free to do this.

A "demo" map and doc file is included in the rar file and credit given to those repectively.

For those less experienced, please feel free to ask questions. Or just send me a PM. :p

Edit: Removed pics.

New Buildings.

07 February 2006 - 07:00 PM

I have made a new post, and I will add my work here as I complete it.

The monumental building. I have corrected the shadows, thanks to Gamemate's help and done the snow frames as well.

Credit given as always in a readme file.

Edit: Removed file.


18 January 2006 - 11:26 AM

I've just completed another building, with correct placement this time. If anyone downloaded the other ones, and tried to use them, I apologize. :blush:

The castle is pretty big (6x4), has all the frames needed and I've included some piccies for you to have a look at.

Let me know what you think, if anything needes changing/adding, just let me know. :D

(Credit goes to essemble studios - which is included in the rar file)

Edit: Removed rar file.