Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place.
I've been working on new EVA as a complete replacement or just adding a few new ones.
The rar file contains a few sample EVA's using my own voice, and a few others I've been experimenting with, robotic style.
I've also added two files for an EVA annoucement of Lefthand's vxls - The Hauler and Storm Tank, again in my own voice.
Note:Not all of the EVA has been done, and not converted for RA2/YR use.
I will continue to update these sounds, and edit this post, if these peaks anyones' interest.
- Revora Forums
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Member Since 27 Sep 2005Offline Last Active Aug 29 2006 06:23 PM
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- Group Project Team
- Active Posts 97
- Profile Views 3,700
- Member Title Spud
- Age 47 years old
- Birthday December 8, 1977
Not Telling
TD:E, Graphical modifying, coding.
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Topics I've Started
EVA sounds
03 July 2006 - 09:15 PM
29 June 2006 - 06:22 PM
A few cameo's I've just created. Some are images from google, and some are out of Generals.
My first try at this, so comments would be appreciated.
My first try at this, so comments would be appreciated.
New building
21 April 2006 - 02:10 PM
This building was a little hard to code, to get it to work with the train.
To those more experienced than myself, the code will probably look a little strange.
I've included everything needed to code this building, alternatively it can be used as any civilian structure.
If anyone wants to improve on the code, please feel free to do this.
A "demo" map and doc file is included in the rar file and credit given to those repectively.
For those less experienced, please feel free to ask questions. Or just send me a PM.
Edit: Removed pics.
This building was a little hard to code, to get it to work with the train.
To those more experienced than myself, the code will probably look a little strange.
I've included everything needed to code this building, alternatively it can be used as any civilian structure.
If anyone wants to improve on the code, please feel free to do this.
A "demo" map and doc file is included in the rar file and credit given to those repectively.
For those less experienced, please feel free to ask questions. Or just send me a PM.
Edit: Removed pics.
New Buildings.
07 February 2006 - 07:00 PM
I have made a new post, and I will add my work here as I complete it.
The monumental building. I have corrected the shadows, thanks to Gamemate's help and done the snow frames as well.
Credit given as always in a readme file.
Edit: Removed file.
The monumental building. I have corrected the shadows, thanks to Gamemate's help and done the snow frames as well.
Credit given as always in a readme file.
Edit: Removed file.
18 January 2006 - 11:26 AM
I've just completed another building, with correct placement this time. If anyone downloaded the other ones, and tried to use them, I apologize.
The castle is pretty big (6x4), has all the frames needed and I've included some piccies for you to have a look at.
Let me know what you think, if anything needes changing/adding, just let me know.
(Credit goes to essemble studios - which is included in the rar file)
Edit: Removed rar file.
The castle is pretty big (6x4), has all the frames needed and I've included some piccies for you to have a look at.
Let me know what you think, if anything needes changing/adding, just let me know.
(Credit goes to essemble studios - which is included in the rar file)
Edit: Removed rar file.
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