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Member Since 23 Nov 2017
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In Topic: Adding 2 hobbits to Treebeard "production"

29 October 2022 - 05:52 PM

Just use the mumakil code from vanilla bfme2 and rotwk (InitialPayload line)
he spawn from the start with haradrim archers on top of him


add that line to your treebeard TransportContain with merry and pippin instead of the haradrim archers

went with this option, looked like it had less complexity

Works indeed. Only on one hobbit tho, the format is "initial payload - unit - # of units" and if i do "initial payload = RohanFrodo 1 Rohan Sam 1" only Frodo comes out. If i leave the numbers out, the game doesnt start.


tbh its fine if its just one hobbit. its already gimmicky enough.


pity i cant make slaved ones, like structures have slaved guards, so i wouldnt even have a hero portrait.