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Member Since 23 Nov 2017
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#1094743 Epic screens thread

Posted by RoccoTheStiff on 14 December 2018 - 08:59 PM

Ze barbarians at ze gates, btw i removed Saruman from Isengard and added him to Men, while removeving Eomer and Eowyn. Cuz balance! Isengard too stronk!!11 lololol





Isengard AI base, late game, right after it "empties it's lands" sending them to attack, which are some of the troops in the upper ss. I think this was a 2v5 brutal.




You may also note i added the Dwarven summon fortress to Men. Reasoning was that at such scales you advance out of your castle really only if you thrown that down, fill it up with 3x rangers, huddle the rest of the troops around this enclave and hold for dear life. Even if you have fully upgraded troops, throwing hero powers and menu powers down like crazy, they just inundate you if you play a mobile war. And after half an hour of that and all 5 have shit to throw on the fortress whose vital parts cannot be rebuilt, the Amon Sul door in the ss for example.


Heroes of Men, as you can see the Fellowship is accounted for! Plus pimped castle, with increased protection for it's catapults; straight out of WB test map. I would have really liked that the fortress upgrade Numenor stonework gets applied to these walls as well but all my attempts to do so, failed :( If anyone has any idea, lemme know pls! Also the door upgrade, so both get better, cooler textures.






Earnur, because Aragorn is a piss poor tank and i needed another hero like Boromir. He gets the toughness too at lvl 6 or 7 iirc and at lvl 10 he summons 3 battallions of upgraded knights. He is Boromir's junior lieutenant or a healbot if you will!

Speaking of which, his lvl 9 power is fully upgraded infantry summon, one batt. of swordsmen, one tower guards and one archers and lvl 10 power is a fully fledged rangers power from the side menu, except they are upgraded with fire arrows.

There's also Treebeard, but you can buy that out of a lvl 3 barracks. I tried putting him in here but it just didn't work. He also summons 3 battallions of those inn Elves from BFME 1. Cuz nature YOLO!

#1074700 Elegant scripting

Posted by RoccoTheStiff on 05 January 2018 - 02:34 AM

Hey hey, so, since i'm noob i need help :p


I have a 5v2 map, to play with my coworker at work and i've added some base defenses, namely unit spawn if P1 or P2 is in area X and i've given all four AI's the fort's that shoot, ie, Mordor fireball, Isen lightning etc etc...


Current script i have checks if a particular unit is in area X and then fires mighty catapult at the nearest unity of that type. The problem is, it sometimes fires out of area, which looks horrid, ie enemy soldiers surrounding half the fort, which is loosing health rapidly and it's shooting over the hill to try to hit reinforcements. Kinda lame. Is there a minimum range on fort "capital" weapons?


Is there any other, better, more elegant way? For example it's a sheer load of scripts for 4 players (the fifth is a ragged clan of wildmen hiding in the forests and hills with no fort) and to cover almost all the units us two human players have. If i want to edit it it's 15 mins of work just running through the menus.


So i was thinking along the lines of, if infantry is in area X, shoot on closest infantry in area X? Is that doable?


Thanks for any answers.  :D

#1073385 Gimli undermine

Posted by RoccoTheStiff on 12 December 2017 - 05:26 PM

You have different SpecialPowerTemplate  in the UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade  and OCLSpecialPower. It should be SpecialAbilityGimliUndermine I guess. :D



Awesome dude, many thanks.  Posting the working code if some poor sob like me wants to upgrade Gimli


Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_GimliMine
SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityGimliUndermine
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GimliMine

Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_GimliUndermine
      SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityGimliUndermine
      OCL                   = OCL_GimliUndermine
      CreateLocation       = CREATE_AT_LOCATION
      StartsPaused  = Yes
      ;RequirementsFilterMPSkirmish = SPELL_BOOK_REQUIREMENTS_FILTER
I had troubles understanding the unique module per file thing tbh. Took me a while to figure out i can put any name i want for the upgrade and not just GimliUndermine because it kept crashing if i had 
Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_GimliUndermine


Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_GimliUndermine

Thanks again for the help, wish i could pick your brain apart a bit, i'd do so many cool things with your coding knowledge :p


#1072971 Osgiliath veterans power need lvl requirement

Posted by RoccoTheStiff on 04 December 2017 - 10:56 PM


You need an unpause behaviour that is triggered by the Experience level upgrade in Boromir's ini.


	Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_BoromirVeterans
		SpecialPowerTemplate = OsgiliathVeteransSpecialPower
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_BoromirVeterans



Yay, that worked. Many thanks for the help. :D