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Member Since 03 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2019 10:56 AM

Topics I've Started

BFME2 Please Insert DVD

09 November 2019 - 10:49 AM

Okay the normal methods of doing the website downloads do NOT work anymore. I haven't tried this in over a year but have everything up to date on Win 10 and I did the steps including the game.dat folder.  It won't let me play. Please remove the downloads as they no longer apply.

Cannot download BMFE Patch 1.06 All in One. "Download Fail please try again".

03 August 2019 - 05:27 AM

I get to the end of the installation at 1091MB and it crashes and won't install.  What happened?  I have had the old version of the game for a long time got rid of it to upgrade this and now it doesn't work. Anyway to get the old version again that did work?


Edit: I forgot I had a copy from Foreshire and that worked and I forgot I got that because I never did get your ISO's to work.  Period.  Foreshire's stuff at least works.  :)  I don't expect any replies or rude replies as this forum is pretty dead now.  It's too bad as this site has lots of potential but ran by rude people who don't look at their buggy products. At least Foreshire's products isn't buggy.  There are several complaints of the newer launcher on here from other people which tells you something mainly installing or getting it to go online when installed.  I call it TSA Online Launcher. Where's the naked body scanner and eye scanner,cough test?