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Member Since 15 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2020 12:48 PM

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Need Assistance TW 1.02 (I've read Common Issues & Solutions)

15 July 2014 - 07:09 PM

Hello, friends. I've read the common issues and solutions, and all other topics, but didn't find what I need. 

So, I've made everything: revora account, password for the server, downloaded CNC Online etc.   So,in the menu where I should put my forum name, CNC password and the nickname - when I'm done i press "next"  (or whatever it is in English version, i got another one) to get online. But there's just nothing happens, no errors, no comments, nothing. It just doesn't go farther. The "next" button becomes inactive after I click once,but I still can go "back" to the main menu. (See the screenshot in attachment)  What can that be? Also the firewall and antivirus are swiched off.

 Appreciate your help, guys!


The game: CNC KW 1.02, bought from Origin (yes, I run the launcher as administrator).

OS: Windows 8 x64