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Member Since 16 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active May 08 2023 06:46 PM

Topics I've Started

need tip for guitar/violin image

07 August 2014 - 03:15 PM

i´m trying to create a thumbnail image for a orchestra/metal hybrid track.


i played around with some images and thought a crossed guitar & violin would fit.

but since they are so different in desgn it just doesnt look as nice as crossing 2 guitars.


so i thought just placing them next to eachother doesn´t look so bad.

any ideas how i could arrange them to look more badass?





the top of the warlock looks a bit sloopy atm because i rudimentarily removed the bc.rich logo (with a mouse xD)


Orchestral Hybrid Music

31 July 2014 - 10:56 AM

hi there

i guess this is a good place to promote my music




criticism is highly appreciated.


if someone knows a project (video/game/mod...) that needs some music, i´d be interested

the launcher: feature request

24 July 2014 - 07:54 AM

good morning.

i have a trivial feature request for the launcher:


it would be nice if it only starts as a single instance.

sometimes i have multiple instances running which is not a problem but it is also not necessary.


it´s more a nice-to-have feature.


thanks for your great work.

The Launcher

17 July 2014 - 12:37 PM

Why is it necessary to install the launcher?

I was able to use alternative servers just by changing an entry in a config file.


is this just a neat user interface for people who are overstrained by notepad or is there any other activity we should be aware of?


thank you

Nickname: MBR.TO

17 July 2014 - 12:04 PM



gamereplays.org: MBR.TO