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Member Since 17 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2024 08:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Report Cheaters?

17 September 2022 - 10:17 PM

Where do i report cheaters? I have the replay, he is using the walled-in-engineer cheat. Username wardenstyle


Was this in kanes wrath? I see him play and host games in KW normally super laggy games. [naughty naughty] how does it work?

In Topic: VPN'S and Proxy's

16 September 2022 - 06:20 PM



Could you please post here wich vpn have worked for you and wich dont?


ExpressVPN seems to work well. However I can not get Bitdefenders VPN to work at all.

In Topic: Understanding the Network.

12 September 2022 - 03:00 PM

simplified the only window where you are actively connected with the C&C:Online machine is when you are sitting in the lobnby about to start your game or you are chatting etc. etc. etc.  when you then start your game are you pretty much off the server and then its P2P  so you could be running a 3 thousand penta bytes per second line but when one guy out of your match  lags be it Network or Engine delay then everyone in the match will be facing the same lag


Can you please help me to understand what "Engine delay" is, the actually players pc's? Also, how does the ranking system work? After each game the p2p con is broken and all link back to Revora sever and then the results are logged?  Thank you for your response!