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Member Since 17 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2024 08:11 PM

Topics I've Started

Ping Question

04 August 2023 - 04:15 PM

Looking for some help. I was testing my live ping monitor with Gigabyte Dragon. The default test runs to google. So i first tested to Google; Zero issues with no lost Ping. So I removed the google address and put in https://www.revora.net/, after a few seconds of running the test I was receiving bad loss? Any idea with I would have zero issues with ping test to google, but bad lose to revora?



02 March 2023 - 01:11 PM

Starting a new pc build. KanesWrath online shouldn't have any issues running on ddr5 right? Thx for the input.

VPN'S and Proxy's

14 September 2022 - 01:22 PM

Good day all.


Kanes Wrath online player here (USA). I have tried using a few different vpn's while using the revora online gaming with KW and noticed some work and some do not. I'm wondering if anyone  has had any success using proxy's while online gaming? I noticed with trying different vpns that some work and some don't. I would like to see if using a proxy would help connect to certain players that are located around different parts of the world by allowing better access then a normal/basic ISP provided IP. Anyone have success with playing on a proxy?  

Understanding the Network.

07 September 2022 - 01:27 PM

Hi all. I'm trying to understand how the Revora network works. I have been told conflicting information and figured what better place to ask then here. I play Kane's Wrath online but live in the USA. When I connect to plays in the UA, this strictly a P2P connection? Or is it a hybrid where each players information travels to the revora sever in Switzerland, then back to each player in a P2P manor?


Does the games connectivity depend on each players number of route hops in the each players network? If one players network path is shorter, or has a less number of hopes to the server, or to each players pc, do they recive an advantage? 


I understand many games can take advantage of software like WTfast or Exitlag to reduce the number of hops your network takes to reduce ping in certain games that use a server. Is there any software or anyway to help reduce the number of hops or overall help with connectivity in Kanes Wrath online? Perhaps a P2P tuning software. Not strictly for an advantage over your opponent, but to at least help with the routing in the P2P connection.   


My current network runs on 1 gig cable (960 mbps down and 50 up) but still receive to much lag to certain players to play at a comitative level. Say for tournaments or ladder games. I'm looking for any possible solutions. If each player connects to the Revor server, then I figured there is a chance to clean up the network routing to the server, however if its a fully based P2P, I'm not sure if there is anyway to clean up routing to each and every player you might play as they can be all around the world.         


Any help or advise in this networking area im trying to understand would be much welcomed! Thank you