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Member Since 21 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2022 02:56 AM

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In Topic: Can't Align Ground With Gatehouse (units can't enter/exit)

29 June 2019 - 04:09 PM

Meant to reply earlier...


Thank you very much Fudge! Appreciated :D


So I've finally gotten a crew together to play test the map. I have since started making adjustments to it.


Unlike most fortresses, this one actually has space in it. A LOT of space. As a result, the player in the fortress has a rather incredible advantage when it comes to resources. So I'm making some minor adjustments to tone it down a little bit inside the fortress.


Also, I'm still desperately trying to figure out how to get AI working on this map, even in the most basic sense. Even with all gates open when the game starts, AI just builds a base and sits around. Doesn't attempt to do anything at all. I'm currently reading through some other help posts, specifically relating to fortress gates and such. I am also examining some other custom fortress maps, seeing if I can pick apart how their scripting is set up.


Either way, once I have the updated version of this map finalized I'll upload it to this thread. When I feel that it's ready, I'm going to get it uploaded in more visible locations. If anybody has suggestions in that regard I'll happily take them.


Thank you all!

In Topic: Can't Align Ground With Gatehouse (units can't enter/exit)

20 January 2019 - 04:38 PM

Map is 99% done. I just need to do some more play testing to make sure that it is properly balanced for multiplayer. Really the only issue I am having is getting AI to effectively work on the map... convincing them to destroy the gates and proceed to sack the fortress is harder than anticipated.


BUT, here is a link to the map in its current state. I present to thee, Dol Harondor: https://www.dropbox....r_V1.2.zip?dl=0


At some point in the future (hopefully sooner than later) I'll get this properly uploaded to a map distribution site like here or Heaven Games. Until then the above dropbox link should work just fine for you guys.


First map ever and it is playable!

In Topic: Can't Align Ground With Gatehouse (units can't enter/exit)

06 January 2019 - 12:52 AM

Map is 90% done. Pretty much in the process of doing multiplayer testing and ironing out tiny things like texture blending issues. For Strictly PvP everything's in place.


Now I just need to do some research on getting the AI to properly engage the gates of the fortress and in turn sack it. Right now they just sit at their bases.


Overall I'm looking forward to releasing it!

In Topic: Can't Align Ground With Gatehouse (units can't enter/exit)

03 January 2019 - 09:11 PM

...and it worked perfectly! No hiccups, no fighting with it. It just worked. Thank you sir!


Now I can actually finish this thing.

In Topic: Can't Align Ground With Gatehouse (units can't enter/exit)

03 January 2019 - 09:03 PM


It's weird because the unit can climb up onto the stairs, up the causeway, and into the gatehouse but cannot transition onto the ground the composes the upper level. Or, if you start on the upper level, you simply cannot transition into the gatehouse. I probably won't have time tonight, but I can get some other screenshots up to show off what I'm doing exactly. Most of the rest of the map is done at this point. Literally just this tiny issue holding everything up.
(Also sorry for the slow responses, holiday and such)
Thank you all for your input!

I wish I knew the answer.

I realized I had the exact same problem years ago but with a completely different object and was able to figure out that some objects in the game (or planes, rather) can only connect to those of other objects and not terrain. I don't know why, but that's how it is. What they do is add an invisible object that has a plane which does connect to terrain and put it on top of the object that doesn't.
To fix your problem: Find the invisible HelmsDeepRampart05a object in the objects menu, place it anywhere in your map, then copypaste the XY Pos, Z and Angle values from the normal ramp to this object.
PS. Be sure to show me your map once you're done!



This makes a lot of sense, I'll be trying it out ASAP! (If it works, I'll also mark it as solved.)


Thank you!


And yeah I'll stick around a bit, wouldn't mind showing off the map