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Member Since 21 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2022 02:56 AM

#1096177 Can't Align Ground With Gatehouse (units can't enter/exit)

Posted by Cothonian on 20 January 2019 - 04:38 PM

Map is 99% done. I just need to do some more play testing to make sure that it is properly balanced for multiplayer. Really the only issue I am having is getting AI to effectively work on the map... convincing them to destroy the gates and proceed to sack the fortress is harder than anticipated.


BUT, here is a link to the map in its current state. I present to thee, Dol Harondor: https://www.dropbox....r_V1.2.zip?dl=0


At some point in the future (hopefully sooner than later) I'll get this properly uploaded to a map distribution site like here or Heaven Games. Until then the above dropbox link should work just fine for you guys.


First map ever and it is playable!

#1095641 Can't Align Ground With Gatehouse (units can't enter/exit)

Posted by Cothonian on 03 January 2019 - 09:11 PM

...and it worked perfectly! No hiccups, no fighting with it. It just worked. Thank you sir!


Now I can actually finish this thing.