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Member Since 31 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2008 12:47 AM

Topics I've Started

[Request] A powerful looking AA Battery?

02 September 2006 - 07:57 PM

If you guys can do this, thanks in advance. For starters, I'm looking for a powerful looking AA tower.

- It should be in Allied Scheme
(Thats really the only requirement).

If you'd ever see my work at art, bleh...

Once again, thanks in advance

- xstax

Resurrecting the Chrono Beam

23 August 2006 - 06:52 PM

*Searched, didn't find anything, so if there is something please close thread.*

We all know how the Chrono beam was taken out. There is a workaround, that the average modder probably knows by now.

First, we have to get the correctly paleted Chrono beam. You can find it here at YRArg.

Then, we need to make it so the game can use it. Find ChronoBlastDest in rulesmd.ini. Replace whatever's there with CHRONOBM.

Now the game will use it, but it won't show the dome-like thing. For that, we go to artmd.ini.

Find CHRONOBM in artmd.ini, at the end of that section add:


It should work now. Test it out to make sure. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

How to get a good take off with a Hind?

02 August 2006 - 10:42 PM

For a challenge, I made an Mi-35 Hind. I gave it a workaround for the takeoff/landing sound. Simply give it an undeploy sound for landing, and a deploy sound for taking off. In addition, it would land on its own if I didn't add this in.

Now for the problem, when I deploy it in mid-air, it deploys fine. It sits down and does what I want it to do. But when I go to get it to take off again, it makes the sound like it takes off, but it sits there, and won't rise. I can get it off the ground by telling it to move after I deploy it, but its unnerving if it is under fire (and plus it won't sound right taking off).

Is there a way to fix this? I've tried adding different tags from the Siege Chopper, but none seem to do the job.