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King Arveleg

Member Since 05 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2024 06:37 AM

Topics I've Started

Allow a New Faction's AI to Use Spells

11 October 2023 - 12:07 PM


This is about Rohan from my mod Arnor Gondor Rohan.

Rohan has a spell book and everything is defined in commandset.ini, commandbutton.ini, playertemplate.ini, science.ini and system.ini.

It's also included in libraries ai_spell_execution.map.

Yet the AI doesn't use any spells. How to fix this?

Need help with a model

11 September 2023 - 08:20 PM



This Rohan gate model is from RJ-Rotwk. It works fine. However the model is not positioned or centered correctly.


Attached File  game 2023-09-11 23-49-03-091.png   1.52MB   7 downloads


How can I fix this?


Is it possible to fix it with code or hex editing? If not, then how can I do it with 3ds max?

Banner Glow 2.02 Collector's Edition Graphics

06 September 2023 - 09:34 AM


In patch 2.02 there's a button in the fortress that allows you to activate Collector's Edition Graphics which gives banner carriers glow.


The issue is while this button works fine in my mod for Arnor. It doesn't work for Rohan.

The banner carriers spawn with glow already attached.



It's supposed to spawn without the glow until I activate the Collector's Edition button.

Although it has this code:

Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade Show_Topper
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ActivateCEGraphicsA ;,; Upgrade_GondorFaction ;;,;; CE graphics fix Upgrade_RingHero ;;,;; Upgrade_AllFactionUpgrade
ShowSubObjects = Glow
HideSubObjectsOnRemove = Yes ;;,;; CE graphics fix

It's not working.

Any idea why?

My banner carrier unit is called calenardhonbanner. It's using the same model as Rohan or Dale banner carrier. (RUYeoBnr_SKN)

Is this like a filter thing? Do I have to add my banner carrier somewhere for this to work probably?