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Member Since 01 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2008 12:04 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Expand Spellbook

26 December 2008 - 01:43 PM

Ah, yes. I'm sure you know by now, but it is the right file. Thankyou for posting this. I've been ripping my hair out for the past four or five hours trying to get this to work... what a waste of time. Well, hindsight is 20/20. Thanks again.

In Topic: .Apt, .Const and .Dat?

26 December 2008 - 10:20 AM

Hm. Any advice on hex editing? Ignore all the squares, for example? Or do you know anyplace I could get educated on the matter? I posted a picture which... well... confused the hell out of me.

Edit: Ah, nevermind. What I wanted to do has already been done. But thanks for the help anyway Rad.

In Topic: Question about modding,

26 December 2008 - 09:39 AM

I think the following link has all the information to help you with your problem.


In Topic: How to get castles/farm plots working in BFME2/Rotwk

26 December 2008 - 09:16 AM

This is just a blind guess, but don't you have to have CASTLE_KEEP and IGNORE_FOR_VICTORY KindOfs for economy plot structures?

Edit: If you get this to work be wary of the AI in BfME 2. I think (never found out for certain) that recoding the AI in the style of BfME 1 doesn't work anymore, and their new AI is pretty lackluster.

In Topic: What is the Map.INI?

26 December 2008 - 08:43 AM

There are horde ini's that you have to edit for changing the number of units that comes with a horde. They're at data/ini/object/goodfaction/hordes/dwarven/dwarvenhordes.ini (or some variant, depending on which faction).

Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain
FrontAngle = 270
FlankedDelay = 2000
ObjectStatusOfContained =
InitialPayload = DwarvenAxeThrower 12
Slots = 12
PassengerFilter = NONE +INFANTRY
ShowPips = No
ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes
RandomOffset = X:0 Y:0
MeleeBehavior = Amoeba

BannerCarriersAllowed = DwarvenBanner
BannerCarrierPosition = UnitType:DwarvenAxeThrower Pos:X:70.0 Y:0.0

RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:DwarvenAxeThrower Position:x:50 Y:10 Position:X:50 Y:-10
Position:X:50 Y:30 Position:X:50 Y:-30 Position:X:50 Y:50 Position:X:50 Y:-50

RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:DwarvenAxeThrower Position:X:30 Y:10 Leader 1 0
Position:X:30 Y:-10 Leader 1 1 Position:X:30 Y:30 Leader 1 2 Position:X:30 Y:-30 Leader 1 3
Position:X:30 Y:50 Leader 1 4
Position:X:30 Y:-50 Leader 1 5

RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2 ;3

MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 1
BackUpMinDelayTime = 1
BackUpMaxDelayTime = 3000
BackUpMinDistance = 1
BackUpMaxDistance = 3
BackupPercentage = 80%

Change the InitialPayload and Slots to change to amount of units in the horde. You'll also have to add or remove positions from the RankInfo to account for the change of the payload. Each rank is basically just a line of units, RankNumber:1 being the front rank, and higher numbered ranks being in the rear of the formation. Just mess with values (after closely looking over EA's values) and you'll soon understand how all this works, it's not too complicated.

Keep in mind that if you change the payload you'll probably want to change other things (such as the buildcost and commandpoints of the horde).

Edit: I posted assuming this was a BfME 2 question, because of the axethrower thing. If it isn't then some things in the hordecontain behavior will be different. Either way you'll have plenty of examples to look at in the .ini files.