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Member Since 01 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2008 12:04 PM

Topics I've Started

.Apt, .Const and .Dat?

26 December 2008 - 09:07 AM

I was curious if anyone knows how to get into any of the following file types:

.apt, .const, and .dat

I wouldn't know what to do if I could get into them, but at least I'd have a chance to mess around with them. I was hoping to mess with the files in the apt directory a bit, but can't really do that if I can't get into these types of files.

I ran a few searches on yahoo.com but it returned a lot of apartment ads (heh) and some other completely unrelated results. If you have any idea how to get into them or could tell me what programs are required for such a thing I'd be very grateful.

AI scripting

21 December 2008 - 01:22 AM

I'm finally down to the point of recoding the AI for my mod and I've been running into some problems. It's hard for me to explain since I've barely got my foot in the door for the AI coding, but here goes.

I'm using the camps and castles (foundation building) system and had planned on significantly improving the AI. However, I simply can't get my new faction to build even a single building on their foundations. In addition, their units just stand by their keep and do nothing. I edited the lib_object_lists.map and saved it, as well as edited the old ai_gondor and ai_gondorskirmish files. Though I notice they have imported scripts that still reference bfme 2 ai files. I.E.: the imported Lib Object Lists still references the un-edited lib_object_lists.map file instead of my modified one. I tried exporting said script and importing it to ai_gondorskirmish but it can still be edited while I'm in the ai_gondorskirmish.map file (while I notice their imported scripts can't be edited). Maybe that's my problem? At any rate, I'm positive that if I could just get the ai to build one structure I could figure most the rest out by trial and error.

I don't know if that was an adequate explanation, so if you need to know anything else let me know. I'm pretty eager to dip into their ai and make it better (since they don't utilize any known tactical maneuvers whatsoever).

Exporting flames in RenX?

06 December 2008 - 05:51 AM

I've been messing with RenX lately and edited a few buildings for Rohan, but I have a problem with flame animations. For example, I fixed up the Rohan Armory for a high LOD so it displays subobject upgrades. It said in the mappath editor that the flames used exflametorchseq.tga or whatever, so I applied that .tga and blah blah blah. Bottom line is that the building does everything properly except for animating the torch flames. I attached a jpeg showing my problem in case my words weren't clear enough.


29 November 2008 - 08:50 AM

I tried making a new building foundation model and it works in game, but looks terrible. EA's foundations have transparent areas and mine doesn't. Anyone know how they get those transparent areas?

Edit: Er, is it something to do with making the texture, or applying it in RenX?

Building Foundations

26 November 2008 - 07:34 AM

I'm having a problem that I didn't see any posts covering. It's related to building foundations, and apparently way beyond my comprehension.

I've done all the barebones basic crap for incorporating building foundations and so I tested out the camp for Men. Everything works good and fine (this is using their already coded GondorBuildingFoundation and the Camp_MenSE.bse). I test Mordor's base and buildings are constructed, money is deducted, everything seems fine... Until I click on any of the buildings I've constructed. The foundation doesn't disappear, so I can still construct another building on top of my already built one.

Since GondorBuildingFoundation is the only one that works properly, I made a childobject of the GondorBuildingFoundation, stick it in my new base for Mordor and head into the game to check it out. It didn't help. I tried making new buildings, completely new foundations, different commandsets, and everything else I could think of (which isn't a whole lot, since I'm not a fantastic modder). Even by creating a childobject of the GondorBuildingFoundation somehow I get this problem. There really isn't any code to post, but I'll post it anyway.

ChildObject FMMordorBuildingFoundation GondorBuildingFoundation

I'm absolutely baffled. Any ideas?