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Member Since 30 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2013 05:03 PM

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In Topic: Suggestions

07 January 2013 - 02:02 AM

Idea for GLA Assault General.

I was working on a tank lately and thought it would be a good replacement for Scorpion. A versatile tank that can upgrade itself with three upgrades depending on the situation and the role the player wants it to have.

Sabre Tank :

Sabre is Iran's Zulfiqar tank, which is a copy of USA's Abrams tank, fitted with some upgrades. Given how Iran likes to take old US tech and modify it to suit its needs this can be a perfect GLA Assault Unit.

Sabre is faster than Crusader, fires faster but deals less damage, and has less health. but with proper upgrades from facilities (more dmg, faster speed, etc), scavenging and individual upgrades (one of the three upgrades every Sabre Tank has) it can become the main part of Assault Generals' Army. due to it's mobility and versatility.

Individual Upgrades :
think of them as how Overlord tanks upgrade themselves with either bunker, speaker tower or gattling cannon.
Sabre Tank Upgrades are :

Reactive Armor : significantly Increases Sabre Tank's defense against missles and lasers at the cost of it's speed.
Dual Barrel : doubles Sabre tanks DPS, no penalty.
Point Defense Laser : gives Sabres a less powerful version of Paladin's laser defense system.

Note :
I) I suck at skinning.
II) The origional model is from a moddb poster. but I modified it to look more like Abrams and less like a box. also the skin is from the Crusader Hover Tank in the original ZH.

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