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Member Since 30 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2013 05:03 PM

Topics I've Started

Slave Truck Idea. is it possible?

16 October 2012 - 09:36 PM

Currently working to restore a dead project. one think thats in my mind is a Slave Truck that can move around the map and deploy itself. once deployed (it unpacks and becomes a small building.) it can use up to six workers and either build bases or gather supplies.

it's a mix of Construction Cranes in other CNC games and Yuri's slave vehicles.

more detail :

uppon creation, the Slave Truck is just a vehicle. it can only move around, it cannot build or gather anything. once the player moves the truck to position it can unpack the truck via a command button. once unpacked the Truck will have 6 command buttons, called "set task", after clicking on it another set of command buttons show up, showing you the list of buildings you can build, uppon choosing the ground for the building to be constructed on, a slave will come out of the truck and will start to go there and then build the building. theres also a gather button on that list that you can use, once clicked you will just select the supply source and the slave will gather it for you. once the task is complete or the base is commanded to pack up. the workers will cancel their task and move into the truck.

this vehicle cannot transport any units. and the slaves are not controllable.

so how much codding is needed for this unit concept? is it even possible to build?

is this mod still alive?

16 October 2012 - 12:57 PM

well the title pretty much says it all. are any of the mod members still checking this forum and/or working on the project?