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Member Since 23 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2017 01:51 AM

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In Topic: Political Affiliations

01 April 2009 - 02:48 PM

The main problem I have with the compass is the religious questions. For instance, when I say I dont want religious values in schools, it makes me less authoritarian. However, had the question been worded "should the government ban all forms of publicly funded religious education", I would have answered yes, which should increase my authoritarian leaning.

The way they word the religious questions, they really should have no influence on either axis of the compass.

In Topic: Obama Wins!

05 November 2008 - 09:30 PM

This is historic in so many ways. Its historic for African Americans, its historic for the youth of America, and most importantly it his historic for its impact on the American political spectrum. The conservative absolute free-market principles have been proven infective and now the democrats control the senate, the congress, and the white house by wide margins. There were two massive political shifts in the USA, one which was started by Roosevelt, and the other that moved in the opposite direction with Reagan.

For the good of the US and the world, I sincerely hope this will be another fundamental shift headed by a man of impeccable temperament and intellect. Barack Obama.

In Topic: Sarah Palin is a neanderthal

23 October 2008 - 03:23 AM

Off topic but hilarious. Good Ol' senile McCain:


In Topic: Dear American

26 September 2008 - 02:46 PM

Why make this much fuss over a no-doubt SCAM E-Mail?

I see no point in doing it, just delete it and move on, god knows all of the scams are pure lies.

You're not serious are you?

@Hybrid: Your looking at conservatism in the very literal sense of the word. Though saving money is a good thing, I doubt any self identified conservative will tell you that the entire basis of their political philosophy is to save money. The people in the US government still are conservatives in a sense; they have removed the government's stake in the market through deregulation and privatization, one of the basic principles of modern-day fiscal conservative.

And it is this deregulation and privatization that has caused these bankers to be able to make stupid moves (sub-prime mortgages) that can adversly effect the entire US economy.

The conservative ideology of the American government, at least in some aspects, was responsible for this crisis.

In Topic: Obama loosing his advantage?

10 September 2008 - 01:52 AM

Americans are just plain stupid.

I watched the republican convention, and it was absolute bullshit. Nothing but a bunch of partisan attacks to get the redneck crowd riled up. Rudy Giuliani even made fun (while the whole crowd ate it up) of Barack Obama for being a community organiser. They did not mention anything about the fucked up state their country is in, and how most of them were at least partially resposible for it. Then comes Sarah Palin, whos speach was written by one of Bush's writers, who again does not mention any issues and instead goes on tasteless attacks against Obama and the dems. This creationist, close-minded, gun toting bitch (yes, I called her a bitch and Im not being sexist), was chosen over dozens of more qualified republican women for a cheap political stunt.

If John McCain wins this election it will reflect worse on the american people than when they elected Bush. The republicans are running on a hollow platform but the media circus is sucking up their whole fake story. If McCain wins, it will mean that americans dont give a shit about there trillions of dollars of debt, there unemployment, the fact that there is a massive gap between the rich and the poor, and the fact that there healthcare system is one of the most unfair in the world. It will show that all they care about is the fact that they personally like a "Hockey mom" and a "war hero," and dont care about the absolute destructive policies these two stand for.

As I saw Obama's rise in American politics, though I know he's not perfect, I was actually becoming slightly fond of what america stands for. But now as I see the country swooning over some arctic beauty queen from Alaska who is one of the most small-minded politicians I have ever seen, and showing, in the polls at least, that they are willing to put her a heartbeat away form the worlds largest military might, has made my impression of the US go even below those of Bush levels.

Please America, dont fall for this shit again.