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Member Since 17 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2011 06:27 PM

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In Topic: Update on the Current Status On CnC3

18 July 2007 - 04:31 PM

explain to me why this game seems like an anti terrorisim message...

u no with nod being weak and underpowered with terroristic units

and then GDI being able to roll over them with ease unlike in the old games where nod and GDI were on near equal terms...

what version are you playing? 1.04? where nod was overpowered and broken? yeah ok

In Topic: Update on the Current Status On CnC3

18 July 2007 - 03:55 AM

explain to me why this game seems like an anti terrorisim message...

u no with nod being weak and underpowered with terroristic units

and then GDI being able to roll over them with ease unlike in the old games where nod and GDI were on near equal terms...

In Topic: Update on the Current Status On CnC3

18 July 2007 - 02:06 AM

Well story idk if u would like pend cos idk what u would class as good but i personly think its awesome. If u liked ti sun and that story then u should like this as the story contiues from that.


it barely continues from it. barely... there are so many things that EA left out that westwood left open... like what happend to cabal??? wtf??

EA pretty much took the story... removed whatever Westwood left, and rewrote the whole thing... and btw, the campaigns are not fulfilling at all... i mean the scrin one is hillarious because the guy who tells u what to do gets completely owned several times and its funny as shit, but otherwise it is kinda a let down...

In Topic: HELP

11 July 2007 - 06:38 PM

no i am balanced i attack and defend i don't really concentrat on one thing.
But Players that simply build and attack and kill u without 2 3 mins imo just suck.
I wanna play a game for fun i don't see how its fun to get in a game for it to end in moments only to start another and the same thing happens, yep that sounds like great fun >.>

sounds like a CnC3 player where if you dont kill them early you die...

bleh, i attack quickly. simple. if the game rolls on it does, i just build up fast. so why leave my forces sitting there eh? lol.

u should play some CnC3. its terrible, horribly unbalanced, and INSANELY glitchy and tbh, remix and just regular ZH for that matter are much more skillful and strateigic, but u learn how to rush fast...really fast... as a matter of fact, i do the fastest rush that is possible in the game. the MCV Rush (Mobile Construction Vehicle [Com Center])

btw, i play as nuke alot. so its dificult to have a force early game that wont blow itself up into pieces whenever it spots the devistation that is the gattling cannon. so... lol GLA is much better rush tactics. so is Robot but robot isnt an army...its a civilazation with big guns.

In Topic: HELP

11 July 2007 - 05:24 PM

I hate rushing or players that only ever rush.
It shows no skill.
For example in Starcraft the Zerg can easily over run your enemy with in mins of the game starting But i hated that.
No point playing the game if the games over before it starts, even mroe annoying when its a game liek starcraft that has a many number of cool units and upgrade that u can't use because the games over.

ah ha ha phoenix. so what does that make u? turtle or steamroller? or both? or SW spammer? etc etc lots can come out of an impenitrable defensive line xD

anyways... whats the point if you cant rush your opponent? especialy if ur up against like... nuke where leaving them to tech up is certain death >.>