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Member Since 17 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2011 06:27 PM

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Update on the Current Status On CnC3

16 July 2007 - 10:10 PM

hi guys

i am here to describe teh current situation of Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars. As you all already know... CnC3 is an utter disaster and has caused many people to lose trust in EA. however it always had a chance to return... making this game have a possiblity of becoming a fun, playable, and addictive game.

But dont worry because our trustworthy game developers at Electronic Arts Las Angeles have yet again managed to screw the game over. now we all get the fun expirence of every game, wether you win or lose, you receive a nice shiny disconnect. though the invincibilty bug is fixed, many new worse bugs have been found the very day of release. there are no balance changes so with patch 1.06 you can still enjoy the complete and total overpowering force from Scrin and get completely annahalated as the grossly underpowered Nod. and a lucky set of players, eager to play CnC, are also still locked out of the game because of the download issue from 1.05 that makes the game unplayable, and impossible to uninstal! also, we are pleased to inform you that the entire CnC3 forums have been flooded with spam, racist remarks, and total flaming of EA and their development team. Forum enemies have come together in a cooperative effort to bash EA and CnC3.

Congradulations EA on another job well done! keep up the terrible work!


CnC3 is horibble... it truly is

11 July 2007 - 06:52 PM

it was fun for a while... then EA support kicked in (AKA devistation of games do you need it?)

now patch 1.05 was more like a tear being that me, who likes Nod, cant do anything anymore. Nod is GROSSLY underpowered and Scrin is GOD (on a stick) and then theres GDI (lets say...invinciblity bug 07)... the game is completely glitched out now, and scrin is god of the world (again on a stick)....................................

Contra, Remix...hell any mod or even orgional generals not even ZH is more fun, skillful, strateigic, and open to createive thought... very sad that we have to deal with terrible support, a community manager that talks once in a blue moon, and patches that completely destroy the strategy of the game... very sad.... how do you go from generals... to cnc3?

why does it mismatch when im on hamachi?

03 December 2006 - 02:45 AM
