byt he look of it theres just going to be soooo many different ways to play and enjoy this game
so much variation
and yet its all relevant to the one battle that happened
amazing workkk
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Member Since 08 Jul 2006Offline Last Active Feb 22 2010 09:39 AM
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- Member Title War Mungerer
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X-Mod, The Harry Potter Modification
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In Topic: UPDATE: August 31, 2008
03 September 2008 - 06:47 AM
In Topic: UPDATE: August 31, 2008
01 September 2008 - 06:49 AM
Dude! That has got to be the coolest thing ever! I can't wait for this
friggin amazing
those animations are amaaazing
the gates rear side is woww
and all the extra wood bits bracing it + when its destryed too
also love how when gates desotryed a bit the peasants move to the side bits
brilliant work.
can't stress how amazing this is.
fav. update by far
In Topic: 8/3/2008 RJ-RotWK Update
04 August 2008 - 09:31 AM
yeah Yoda gotta agree with you on that although i love all of them as well
same - osgiliath my favourite
oh no wait Rivindell.
No Lonely Mountain.
oh they're all my favourite =)
Amazing work guys. It's mods like these that keep me checking revora and
In Topic: UPDATE: June 29, 2008
27 July 2008 - 01:44 PM
thats amazing.
thats amazing.
In Topic: Teaser Updates - OUTDATED
27 July 2008 - 01:44 PM
looking sweeeeeeeet
although i thought the watery part of the causeway looked better - this one looks more like movies which i supposed is better really =D
and i agree i think elves should just come with haldir and not be purchaseable
although i thought the watery part of the causeway looked better - this one looks more like movies which i supposed is better really =D
and i agree i think elves should just come with haldir and not be purchaseable
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