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Member Since 19 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2006 02:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Where the hell are we and what day is it..

20 August 2006 - 11:23 PM

rp 1.08 is out!!!!

EDIT: Mental omega won't work with rp 1.08 when i tried to play as yuri.

In Topic: Where the hell are we and what day is it..

15 August 2006 - 11:47 PM

Rock Patch comes out right when school starts for me :(!!

In Topic: MO 2.0 // Strategy

13 August 2006 - 01:19 PM

well regular tanks would get toasted too. This will have more survivers.

In Topic: MO 2.0 // Strategy

12 August 2006 - 04:35 PM

That doesn't seem so cheap. 9x4x750= candle + a monkey. And your thinking that doesn't make any sense, thats how high it is. It cost so much we can't even begin to understand how high it is. And then you have to pay for the armored transports. So I'd say it cost :grin: + the batman symbol x Q

In Topic: MO 2.0 // Strategy

11 August 2006 - 09:57 PM

It's allied vs. allied strategy then :dry: