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Colonel Angus

Member Since 20 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2017 07:18 PM

Topics I've Started

Any chance of making the game run at 60 FPS?

19 March 2017 - 07:15 PM

Hi, I just tried out the new Mental Omega release, and the game is great. I was curious though if there's any way of getting it to run at 60 FPS; either via the development or through 3rd party modifications? If so this would be great and easily put this game on-par with a lot of modern PC releases and app games. Thanks.

Healing infantry

14 June 2016 - 01:26 AM

Just a quick question, other than the Allied medics, what infantry healing options do the other sides have?

I haven't discovered a way to heal Soviet Infantry. And I read that the Epsilon Rage Inductor will be modified in the next update to heal their infantry (but other than that I haven't found a current way to do so).