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xxxMr. Xxxx

Member Since 16 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active May 27 2009 10:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Eldarion's Showcase

24 March 2009 - 01:50 AM

I love what you did with the Elves and Haldir. Outstanding job keep up the good work.

In Topic: Eldarion's Showcase

16 February 2009 - 12:37 AM

Also, if anyone can tell me how to randomize heavy armor skins or why the Mirkwood Banner Carrier is using EA's original skins, that would be nice.

The reason why the Mirkwood Banner Carrier is still using EA's original skin is probably because the Mirkwood Banner Carrier is its own seperate object (elvenmirkwoodarcherbanner.ini), or you haven't edited the Banner Carrier Skin (eumirkban_c.dds).

As for the randomized heavy armor, it somehow doesn't work anymore in BFME2 ROTWK. It use to work in BFME1 all the time.

In Topic: Eldarion's Showcase

15 February 2009 - 04:04 PM

Love the skins for the Lindon Horse Archers. When I got ROTWK it look like EA just took the Rohirrim Archer Model and just slapped on the Rivendell Lancer Skin. And great job on the other skins, too.

In Topic: Fixing Select All Heroes for 1.03

19 May 2008 - 09:31 PM

I found out how to fix this awhile back.

Look in.

CommandButton NonCommand_SelectAllHeroes
; TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:SelectAllHeroes
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:SelectAllHeroesDescription

And simply remove the ;.

So it looks like.
CommandButton NonCommand_SelectAllHeroes
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:SelectAllHeroes
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:SelectAllHeroesDescription

It should work.

In Topic: Silverthorn Arrows Objects

16 May 2008 - 11:15 PM

Ok, besides trying to recreate the Silverthorn Arrow effect through Renx, I decided to give it a shot at the FX Particle System.

FXParticleSystem SilverthornArrow  System    Priority = ALWAYS_RENDER    ParticleName = EXMinerLight.tga    Lifetime = 5 5    SortLevel = 1    Size = 2.75 2.75    BurstCount = 1 1  End  Color = DefaultColor    Color2 = R:117 G:186 B:250 3    Color3 = R:0 G:0 B:0 15  End  Update = DefaultUpdate    SizeRateDamping = 1 1    AngleZ = 0 1    AngularDamping = 0.8 0.9    AngularDampingXY = 1 1  End  Physics = DefaultPhysics    VelocityDamping = 1 1  End  EmissionVelocity = OrthoEmissionVelocity  End  EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume    StartPoint = X:-2 Y:0 Z:0    EndPoint = X:-2 Y:0 Z:0  End  Draw = DefaultDraw  EndEndFXParticleSystem SilverthornArrow02  System    Priority = ALWAYS_RENDER    ParticleName = EXLdrshpLvl2b.tga    Lifetime = 5 5    SortLevel = 1    Size = 2.25 2.25    BurstCount = 1 1  End  Color = DefaultColor    Color2 = R:117 G:186 B:250 3    Color3 = R:0 G:0 B:0 15  End  Update = DefaultUpdate    SizeRateDamping = 1 1    AngleZ = 0 1    AngularDamping = 0.8 0.9    AngularDampingXY = 1 1  End  Physics = DefaultPhysics    VelocityDamping = 1 1  End  EmissionVelocity = OrthoEmissionVelocity  End  EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume    StartPoint = X:-2 Y:0 Z:0    EndPoint = X:-2 Y:0 Z:0  End  Draw = DefaultDraw  EndEnd

Ingame (Galadhrim Warriors w/ the FX, compare w/ Lorien Archers)
Posted Image

It looks fine overall, but what only really annoys me is how it trails... Look below...
Posted Image

I don't really understand FX's...