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xxxMr. Xxxx

Member Since 16 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active May 27 2009 10:40 PM

Topics I've Started

A little help animating...

18 January 2009 - 05:26 PM

So I've manage to make an animation which makes Boromir look like he's throwing a spear by using Eomer's animations.
But only problem is that the cape bones just doesn't follow.

I was just wondering how I would make the cape bones follow the rest of the animation.

Here just download the animation and play it in W3d Viewer you'll know what i mean.

Animation Name: guboromir_atke
Skeleton Name: guboromir_skl
Attached File  guboromir_atke.zip   45.32KB   37 downloads

Any help would be appreciated.

Silverthorn Arrows Objects

12 May 2008 - 02:41 AM

I was messing with the WDUMP that came with Renx, and I decided to look at the Units that have the Silverthorn Arrow effects. (I looked at Mirkwood Archers.) And I found a few strings that looked useful so I can make the Silverthorn Arrows... What I'm saying is... I think It I'll be easier to show then explain. I'm not so good at the explaining...

Settings for the FIREAROWTIP object
Posted Image

Export Settings I use for Fire Arrow Subobjects
Posted Image

Finished Model I was Making
Posted Image

Unit Ingame
Posted Image

-Not all Fire Arrow Subobjects can use this, I recommend opening up a model that has the Silverthorn Arrow effect already and try to do it again.
-The Model is not the Lindon Horse Archer, I don't have ROTWK. It's a custom model I made using the Rivendell Lancer and bind it to the Rohirrim Archer skeleton.

This is how I do my Silverthorn Arrows, besides trying to do FX Particles. Any other ideas?

Random Models

11 April 2008 - 02:34 AM

Some how, my downloads won't work even though I've uploaded the files in .zip and added the references.
There's an error that occurs everytime you or I try to download it.
I would like to share them with everyone, but I don't know why the error occurs.

403 Forbidden

Anyone know why? Or are they working fine for everyone else?

Random Models

Lindon Horse Archers

06 April 2008 - 01:03 AM

After looking at a few screenshots of ROTWK. I began to wonder...

Are the Lindon Horse Archers just the Rohirrim Archers reskined?

Or are they different?